Student Clubs & Organizations
Having an excellent college experience on campus often includes participating in campus activities conducted beyond typical classroom work. At Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Student Life Activities are offered in several formats. These opportunities include student clubs and organization, intramural activities, and special campus events during the year.
For more information regarding Student Life Activities, contact Jesse Stirewalt, Director of Housing and Student Activities, at 218-879-0708 or 218-590-3345, or via email to jstirewalt*AT*
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College offers a variety of student clubs and organizations based on student interest and initiative. Click on a club name in the list below to learn more about each individual student organization.
New clubs are formed based on student interest. Information on starting a new club is available by contacting the Student Activities Coordinator at 218-590-3345.
Students representing the college at off-campus events must complete the Student Travel Contract prior to dates of travel. The form is available for printing here.
The campus is host to a range of annual events and special events. Some of these include:
- Welcome Week
- Academic Late Night
- Veterans’ Feast
- Thunder Club Fest
- Employer Job Fair
- Halloween Costume & Pumpkin Carving Contest
- Fine Arts Week
- Giving Thanks Feast
- Holiday Celebration
- Guest speakers and performers
- Food Drives
- Health Information Fair
- Honoring Our Graduates Pow-wow and Feast
- Graduate Awards Day
- Commencement
- Pumpkin Run and Walk
- Hot Summer Nights Concert Series
- Career & College Fair
- Campus Visit Days
Intramural activities are offered based on student interest and input. Activities offered over the years include softball, volleyball, basketball, bowling, chess, cribbage, pool, and several others.
For more information regarding Intramural Activities, contact Jesse Stirewalt, Director of Housing and Student Activities, at 218-879-0708 or 218-590-3345, or via email at jstirewalt*AT*