FDLTCC Wellness Model

FDLTCC’s wellness model is based on Mino-bimaadiziwin, “A good life”. Our model is holistic, interconnected, and individualized while incorporating the campus core values: respect, compassion, stewardship, innovation, and integrity. FDLTCC’s model recognizes that wellness is self-defined, existing on a continuum, grounded in humility and divested from perfectionism.


Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness recognizes our minds need to be continually inspired and exercised just as our bodies do. It further recognizes the need for both stimulation and rest for critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, and openness.


Strategies to enhance Intellectual Wellness:

  • Seek out people who challenge you intellectually: Advisors, study groups, committees, clubs.
  • Being open-minded!
  • Pick up a hobby. Hobbies are a fun way to increase your skill set.
  • Develop a growth mindset.
  • Engage in learning, participate class, attend a seminar or conference on something new to you.
  • Becoming a critical thinker: intentionally development of your own ideas, views, and opinions.
  • Lifelong learning!
  • Teaching others – mentoring.


Campus Resources:

Community Resources:


Campus Activities:

  • Academic Late Night
  • TRIO Workshops
  • Environmental Institute Projects & Presentations
  • Rocket Clubs
  • Book Clubs / Campus Reads
  • Author Visits / Book Readings
  • Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
  • Games in Library
  • Language Symposium
Physical Wellness

Physical wellbeing is caring for your body for healthy quality of life through regular enjoyable physical activity, proper nutrition and eating habits, hygiene, substance awareness, and restful sleep.  Finding a healthy balance of these elements is a way of respecting your body.  Developing proper physical wellbeing habits lends itself to mino-bimaadiziwin (living a good life.)


Strategies to enhance Physical Wellness:

  • Get Active
  • Preventative health care
  • Traditional health care
  • Recognizing signs of illness and seeking help in a way that makes you, as an individual, feel healthy.
  • Educate yourself and limit harmful behaviors.
  • Seeking substance abuse help if needed
  • Follow the USDA nutrition guidelines / community guidelines.
  • Strive to sleep for 8 hours each night.
  • Regular physical activity.


Campus Resources:

Community Resources:


Campus Activities:

  • FDLTCC Physical Education Courses
  • Yoga in the Library
  • Pumpkin Walk/Run
  • Environmental Institute Outdoor Gear/Equipment Lending (snowshoes, canoes, lacrosse)
  • Pow Wow
  • Disc Golf
  • Human Services Club
  • Campus Feasts
  • Campus Gardens
  • Walking Trails
  • Wellbeing Wednesday Sessions Statewide
  • Vaccination Days on Campus
Spiritual Wellness

Respect for all living beings and the lands that we live and learn with in reciprocity.

Stewardship of the vision regarding the union of nations grounded in Anishinaabeg values and knowledge systems which calls upon all of us to compassionately honor one another.

To practice integrity and bravery to live and let live as our whole selves without fragmenting or filtering our existence.


Strategies to enhance Spiritual Wellness:

  • Respect each individual’s spirit and spiritual voice through understanding our interdependence in this gathering of community.
  • Normalize multi-cultural dialogue and interactions. (Not centering in silence, avoidance, or any type of violence)
  • Encourage and develop an appreciation for diverse viewpoints and perspectives in both curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • Develop and support engagement in community resources.
  • Focus and support wholistic wellness and balance.
  • Movement, mindfulness, foods, hydration, sleep.
  • Find connection to life’s purpose.
  • Strive to sleep for 8 hours each night.
  • Engage in spiritual practices based on belief system.


Campus Resources:

  • Student Clubs & Organization
  • Dean of Academic and Indigenous Affairs -Stewardship of the cultural vision
  • Ojibwemowining Resource Center (Smudging Materials & Asemaa)
  • Drum on campus
  • Wigwam
  • Sweat Lodge
  • Outdoor Classroom
  • Gardens and medicines-food
  • Indoor ecology of the building-meaning in the structure
  • Artwork reflection
  • Trails
  • Poetry post
  • Medicine gardens
  • Bees
  • Offerings when land and plants are disrupted.

Community Resources:

  • Prayers for the land and learning community.
  • Cultural center in Fond du Lac (events)
  • Community based events
  • Sawyer big drum
  • Pow wows or round dances
  • AA meeting
  • Sobriety Feasts


Campus Activities:

  • Pipe ceremonies 
  • Smudging 
  • Campus clubs 
  • Feasts  
  • Drum  
  • Pow wows 
  • Land-based events and opportunities 
  • Anishinaabe games and events 
Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness is balancing your wants and needs with your monetary resources without stressing other areas of your life. A financially fit person will be able to support themselves and their dependents without giving up their desired lifestyle.


Strategies to enhance Financial Wellness:

  • Create, develop, and learn to budget.
  • Avoid unnecessary or binge spending.
  • Live within your financial means.
  • Anticipate your future needs/ big expenses.
  • Save for a rainy day.
  • Learn about investing/stock market.
  • Open a savings account.
  • Learn how to do your taxes.
  • Make an appointment with Financial Aid or Financial Advisor.


Campus Resources:

Community Resources:


Campus Activities:

  • TRIO Financial Literacy Events 
  • Financial Aid Presentation with Seek to Learn Academy Groups
  • Financial Aid Classroom Talks
  • Financial Aid Presentations during Tours and Campus Visit Days
Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is accepting your worth, recognizing, and expressing your feelings in healthy ways, and coping with life’s challenges. It is a dynamic state that fluctuates frequently with your other dimensions of wellness. Emotional wellbeing is supported by a respectful campus community including students, faculty, staff, and administration.


Strategies to enhance Emotional Wellness:

  • Practice mindfulness, gratitude, positive self-talk, and having an optimistic outlook.
  • Build a strong support system.
  • Practice stress management techniques.
  • Learn time management skills.
  • Take time for yourself.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Tune into your thoughts and feelings.
  • Seek and accept help from others when needed.
  • Take advantage of wellness activities on campus.
  • Get quality sleep and a consistent sleep schedule.


Campus Resources:

Community Resources:

  • FDL Health Fair
  • FDL Cultural Ceremonies
  • Cloquet Public Library – Free Yoga Chair Sessions


Campus Activities:

  • Counseling 
  • Courses: Life Management and psychology courses 
  • Mental Health Week 
  • Yoga in the Library  
  • Reiki 
  • Massages 
  • TRIO – Time Management Workshops 
  • Therapy dogs 
Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness is a dynamic and ongoing process that can be defined as finding satisfaction and fulfillment in one’s work or career while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Occupational wellness can include alignment of your personal values with your job, engagement in your work, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Strategies to enhance Occupational Wellness:

  • Develop self-awareness of your values, strengths, interests, skills, goals, etc. so that your career is personally rewarding and gives your life a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Be confident in your capabilities and advocate for better working conditions, salary and opportunities for promotion.
  • Continuously upgrade your skills and knowledge to improve your job performance which can lead to opportunities for advancement.
  • Find ways to balance personal life with work and practice stress management techniques regularly.
  • Build a strong support system by networking with people both inside and outside of the workplace.
  • Enhance your sense of fulfillment by appreciating how your job contributes to a larger purpose or societal benefit.


Campus Resources:

Community Resources:


Campus Activities:

  • Staff/Faculty/Administrative Duty Days  
  • Law Enforcement Expo  
  • Nursing Expo  
  • Campus Visit Days  
  • Career Fair  
  • Courses: Career Exploration, Job Search Skills, Seeking Careers in Criminal Justice, practicums, internships  
  • Advisory Committee meetings  
Social Wellness

Social well-being can be defined as the sharing, developing, and sustaining of meaningful relationships with others. This allows you to feel authentic and valued and provides a sense of connectedness and belonging.


Strategies to enhance Social Wellness:

  • Cultivate Relationships: Invest time and effort in building and maintaining meaningful relationships. Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances. Attend social events or join clubs and groups that align with your interests.
  • Active Listening: Practice active listening when interacting with others. Show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings. Ask open-ended questions and validate their experiences.
  • Empathy: Develop empathy by putting yourself in others’ shoes. Understand their emotions and perspectives. Compassion and understanding strengthen social bonds.
  • Communication Skills: Enhance your communication skills. Be clear, respectful, and considerate in your interactions. Effective communication fosters deeper connections.
  • Boundaries: Set healthy boundaries. Understand your limits and communicate them assertively. Respect others’ boundaries as well.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on quality relationships rather than quantity. Meaningful connections provide more fulfillment than superficial ones.
  • Volunteer or Help Others: Engage in acts of kindness. Volunteering or assisting others creates a sense of purpose and strengthens social ties.
  • Join Social Activities: Participate in group activities, workshops, or classes. Shared experiences lead to connections.
  • Digital Balance: While online platforms can facilitate connections, balance virtual interactions with face-to-face ones. In-person interactions have unique benefits.
  • Self-Reflection: Reflect on your social interactions. Identify patterns, strengths, and areas for improvement. Adjust your behavior accordingly.
  • Practice open, honest communication of your needs.
  • List elements that make a relationship rewarding and make sure you are providing these factors in your relationships.
  • Reflect on your current relationships and determine which ones need improvement.
  • Schedule time to reach out to be supportive of your friends, family members, and colleagues.
  • Be intentional with the time you spend with others.
  • Use your connections to start an exercise or wellness social group
  • Join an organization, volunteer, or take up a hobby that expands your social circle.


Campus Resources:

  • Campus Counselor- Every Tuesday
  • Advisors
  • Instructors
  • Gym down in basement
  • TRIO

Community Resources:

  • Anishinaabewigamig (Language & culture center) – monthly ceremonies, support groups, and language activities
  • Community sobriety meetings
  • 13 Moons Workshops
  • Community Education
  • Libraries


Campus Activities:

  • Game Day every Tuesday in the Library 
  • Lacrosse every Thursday in the Gym 
  • Welcome Week  
  • Student Clubs  
  • Teaching & Learning – faculty association  
  • 13 moons workshops  
  • Hand games – Wednesdays @ noon 
  • Drum group practice – Fridays 
  • Hand drumming with Oshkii-giizik – 1st & last Wednesday?  
  • Collaborations with FDL language program: lacrosse, symposium, storytelling events 
Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness is an awareness of the dependent relationship humans have with the natural world, their personal surroundings, and community. It is a recognition and respect for the cyclical nature of the world we are a part of where the health of our surrounding environment affects us just as our choices and daily habits impact the physical world. It consists of practicing ganawenjigewin, a way of life that emphasizes that relationship with the earth and works to reduce harm to the environment through learning, lifestyle habits, and activism.


Strategies to enhance Environmental Wellness:

Practice a sustainable lifestyle

  • Create and advocate for policy changes and social changes for environmental wellness within community
  • Unplug from technology and unplug technology when not in use
  • Buy locally produced food, support local farmers
  • Walk or ride a bike wherever possible instead of driving

Connect with nature

  • Photograph the outdoors
  • Spend time outdoors appreciating nature through all the seasons (i.e. hiking, snowshoeing, canoeing, etc.)
  • Learn traditional crafts, tree and bird identification
  • Grow a garden
  • Forage for natural foods

Conserve natural resources

  • Conserve water through efficient appliances and limiting water use
  • Conserve energy through energy efficient light bulbs and appliances
  • Buy only things you need
  • Print less
  • Use reuseable coffee mugs/water bottles/food containers
  • Use reuseable shopping bags
  • Recycle and reduce waste

Respect personal surroundings and reduce stressors from environment

  • Understand the impact of climate change and a healthy environment on wellbeing
  • Maintain a clean and organized work and living space and use toxic-free cleaning materials
  • Keep yourself safe from noise, air and water pollution, secondhand smoke, UV radiation
  • Be cognizant of risks certain settings present (late night, traveling alone or to new places)


Campus Resources:

Community Resources:


Campus Activities:

  • Earth Week  
  • Sustainability Week  
  • Campus clean-up  
  • Environmental Science and Sustainability courses  
  • Walking trails on campus  
  • Using outdoor classroom  
  • Recycling (plastics, textbooks, etc.)  
  • Garden Composting  
  • Gardening on campus (medicine garden, vegetable gardens)  


It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.