To incorporate assessment processes and findings into course, program, student learning, and campus-wide activities to foster a shared culture dedicated to improving student outcomes and success.
Academic Assessment / Assessment of Student Learning
Nuventive software is used to assess academic coursework and programs. FDLTCC utilizes the Educational Testing Service (ETS) program profile to administer the graduate exit exam. Annually findings from assessment practices and outcomes are incorporated into the Annual Report of Student Learning
2022-2023 Annual Report of Student Learning
2021-2022 Annual Report of Student Learning
Assessment of Student Experience
FDLTCC surveys its students regularly to support continuous improvement of the student experience on campus.
The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) is a nationally normed standardized survey administered through the Center for Community College Student Engagement at the University of Texas. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College began administering CCSSE in 2003. Survey results are shared with the faculty and have informed efforts to improve student engagement.
The Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) was developed by national experts in the field of community and technical college research and practice. It is designed to provide a clear picture of both student behaviors in the earliest weeks of college and the institutional practices that affect students during this critical time.
The National Initiative for Leadership & Institutional Effectiveness (NILIE) Personal Assessment of the College Environment (PACE) survey is administered to FDLTCC employees. The survey measures institutional climate organized around four climate factors: Institutional Structure, Student Focus, Supervisory Relationships, and Teamwork.