

It’s easy. Just follow these steps.

1. Complete the free online application. Click the button below to get started!

Apply for Admission Online

See the Application Guide below for more detailed information, and contact Admissions if you need additional assistance!

2. Have your official transcript(s) sent to us. Official transcripts are required from your high school and any other postsecondary institutions you have attended.

3. Apply for Financial Aid.

4. Complete the immunization form.
Fillable Immunization Form

5. At this time, the Accuplacer placement is not required. Please provide us with your high school GPA, or prior placement test results from another college or provide your ACT, SAT, or MCA test scores.

6. Meet with an advisor to register for classes!

7. Watch for your email invite to complete the New Student Orientation.


Please feel free to contact us for more information about the application process, general information, on-campus housing, or financial aid.

(218) 879-0808  |  1-800-657-3712


The application for admission is available in alternate formats by request. Please contact Admissions to request an alternative application or if you need assistance.

Application for admission is open for the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students may apply and register for classes through the first five class days of each semester. Early application and registration is recommended.

FDLTCC evaluates the validity of a student’s high school completion if we or the U.S. Secretary of Education has reason to believe that the high school diploma is not valid or was not obtained from an entity that provides secondary school education.

Information is subject to change.


Create StarID.

  • You will be asked for some contact info and then you will create a password. Be sure you are following the listed complexity requirements.
  • A StarID will be generated for you when you select Get my StarID.
  • Once you’ve created a password, it will bring you to a page that contains your StarID. Make note of your StarID – it is your username for many of FDLTCC’s online services.
  • Already have a StarID?
    • If you’ve attended a Minnesota State college or university (or FDLTCC) before, select Login.
    • If you don’t remember your StarID or password, select Need Login Help? and follow the link to StarID Self Service to reset your password.
    • Call the MN IT Help Desk at (877) 466-6728 if you need further assistance.
  • Applied to FDLTCC before?
    • You may need to fill out a new application.
    • Log in and select Apply to Another Institution at the bottom of the application status page.

Complete the application fully and accurately.

  • Only fields marked with a red star/asterisk are required.
  • Add a permanent address – this is where you receive mail.
  • High school GPA is required. If you don’t know yours, put “0” and it’ll be updated once your transcripts are received.
  • Review carefully – changes to submitted applications can only be made by the admissions office.

Track your application status.

  • Once you submit your application you will be brought to a page showing the status of your application. You should receive an acceptance letter in the mail within a couple weeks!
  • To return to the application status page later, go to > Apply for Admission Online > Login.

Official transcripts are required from your high school and any other postsecondary institutions you have attended.

A GED transcript will be accepted in place of a high school transcript.

Official transcripts should be provided by the issuing institution or their transcript-processing service. Paper copies must be in a sealed envelope; electronic copies cannot be sent by the student or forwarded.

Transfer students must have official college transcripts sent from all previously attended colleges.

Have official transcripts sent to:

Electronic transcripts:

Paper transcripts:
Admissions Office
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College
2101 14th Street
Cloquet, MN 55720

**Do NOT forward electronic transcripts. Paper transcripts must be received in the unopened, sealed envelopes that they came in from the issuing institution. Electronic transcripts sent or forwarded by students, or paper transcripts received in opened envelopes cannot be accepted as official and do not meet admissions requirements. Students are responsible for requesting their transcripts.


Minnesota State Law requires students to be immunized against mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus if they were born on January 1, 1957, or later in order to be enrolled in postsecondary institutions.

The Immunization Law states that no student may remain enrolled in a postsecondary educational institution without documentation of the appropriate immunizations, a statement signed by a physician that the student is medically exempt as outlined in the law, or a notarized statement that the student has not been immunized because of the student’s conscientious-held belief.

No proof of immunization is needed from:

  • Students who have graduated from a Minnesota high school in 1997 or later. (Immunization record will appear on high school transcript.)
  • Students who were born before 1956.
  • Transfer students from a different postsecondary school within Minnesota, if transcripts or other recorded information from the previous school indicate that the student has met immunization requirements.

Fillable Immunization Form

Please print the form before signing. Return the completed form to Admissions one of the following ways:

Attach a scan or clear photo and email to:

Fax to: (218) 879-0814, Attn: Admissions

Mail to:
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
Attn: Admissions
2101 14th Street
Cloquet, MN 55720

Drop off in person to: FDLTCC Admissions, Room 125


Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College offers many options for placement:

1. The college can use Accuplacer, ACT, SAT, and MCA scores for course placement;

2. If students do not have scores from the tests previously listed, the High School Grade Point Average (GPA) or guided self-placement will be used to place students into courses; an

3. Students may also use previously passed English and Math courses for placement; please request that your previous college/university send us an official transcript and inform our Admissions staff. Please contact a Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College advisor or program coordinator to register for classes and to discuss course placement options.


A student who obtains the following minimum or higher scores/GPA shall be placed in the corresponding college-level course(s):

Reading: A student who receives a college-ready score on any of the following reading tests shall be placed in courses that designate college-level reading skills.

High School GPA- 2.6 or higher. Within the last 10 years

Accuplacer Reading: 250 (Multiple measures 236-249 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA). Within the last 3 years

ACT: 21 or higher on the reading portion (Multiple Measures: 19-20 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA). Within the last 5 years

MCA: 10th grade reading test score of 1047 or higher (Multiple Measures: 1042-1046 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA). Within the last 5 years

SAT: 480 or higher on ERW portion (Multiple Measures: 440-479 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA). Within the last 5 years

Writing: A student who receives a college-ready score on any of the following Writing/ English tests shall be placed in courses that designate college-level writing skills.

High School GPA- 2.6 or higher. Within the last 10 years

Accuplacer Reading: 250 (Multiple measures: 236-249 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA) Within the last 3 years

ACT: 18 or higher on the English portion (Multiple Measures: 17 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA) Within the last 5 years

SAT: 480 or higher on ERW portion (Multiple Measures: 440-479 and 2.5 or higher High School GPA) Within the last 5 years

Mathematics: A student who receives a college-ready score any of the following math tests shall be placed in courses that designate college-level math skill.

High School GPA: 2.8 or Higher within the last 10 years

Accuplacer (AFF math)- 250 (Multiple Measures 236-249 and High GPA 2.7 or higher)- College Algebra Within the last 2 years

ACT: 22 or higher on the math portion (Multiple Measures: 20 and 2.7 or higher High School GPA)– College Algebra. Within the last 5 years.

MCA Math: 11th grade math test score of 1158 or higher (Multiple Measures: 1152-1157 and 2.7 or higher High School GPA) – College Algebra. Within the last 5 years

MCA Statistics: 11th grade math test score of 1148 or higher (Multiple Measures: 1146-1147 and 2.7 or higher High School GPA) – Introduction to Statistics. Within the last 5 years

SAT: 530 or higher on the math portion (Multiple Measures: 520-529 and 2.7 or higher High School GPA) – College Algebra. Within the last 5 years

All new to college students are required to meet with an advisor to pick classes for their first semester at FDLTCC. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor, counselor, or program coordinator throughout their academic career at FDLTCC to receive information and guidance in college selection, transfer, and career choices.

If English is not your first language, you may be given an ESL assessment. The Accuplacer ESL test assesses the English skills of students who have learned English as an additional language to their native or first language. The Accuplacer ESL test is divided into three sections: reading skills, sentence meaning and language usage.

The wide variety of programs, courses, and other opportunities at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College reflect the diversity of students’ backgrounds, interests, and aspirations. Counselors are available to assist students in initial college orientation and in review of progress. Educational planning services are available to both full-time and part-time students.


New Student Orientation is completed online as a module in Desire 2 Learn (D2L), FDLTCC’s system for online courses and grading. To log in to D2L, use your StarID. Contact the admissions office or your advisor if you need assistance or have any questions.

The New Student Orientation module is for all new FDLTCC students (PSEO, first-time undergraduate, new transfer) providing you with the skills, tools, and resources you’ll need to be successful at FDLTCC! Important school policies and procedures will be covered as well as information regarding your online student accounts. Orientation will be available in D2L about a month before the semester starts.



Students who wish to register as first-year students must complete a Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College application or the universal Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Application. Click the button below to start the online application process.

Apply for Admission Online

Paper forms may be obtained from the FDLTCC Admissions Office or any Minnesota high school counselor.

After completing the application, applicants should contact their high school counseling office and have an official transcript of courses and grades (which includes standardized test results and high school rank information) sent to FDLTCC’s Admissions Office. See the Transcript Requirements section above for more information.

Applicants must supply documentation of immunization against mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus, if born in 1957 or later. Refer to the Proof of Immunization section above for more information.



Applicants who have attended other postsecondary education institutions are considered for admission as transfer students. Students transferring to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College from a postsecondary institution need to comply with the college’s admission policies.

1. Complete the free online application.

Apply for Admission Online

Already have a StarID?

If you’ve attended a Minnesota State college or university (or FDLTCC) before, select Login.

If you don’t remember your StarID or password, select Need Login Help? and follow the link to StarID Self Service to reset your password.

Call the MN IT Help Desk at (877) 466-6728 if you need further assistance.

Applied to a Minnesota State school before?

Log in and select Apply to Another Institution at the bottom of the application status page.

2. Request that official transcripts from each of the secondary and postsecondary institutions attended be sent to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.

3. Apply for Financial Aid, or update your existing FAFSA if you’ve already applied for the year you will start at FDLTCC. FDLTCC’s school code is 031291.

4. Provide immunization information.

5. Transfer students should consult their academic advisor with any questions regarding course placement and registering for class.

6. Complete the orientation module in D2L.



Students outside Minnesota who wish to register for class must complete a Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College application. Click the button below to start the online application process.

Apply for Admission Online

Paper applications are available by request from the FDLTCC Admissions Office.

After completing the application, applicants should have official transcripts from their high school and any other postsecondary institutions sent to FDLTCC’s Admissions Office. See the Transcript Requirements section above for more information.

Applicants must supply documentation of immunization against mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus, if born in 1957 or later. Refer to the Proof of Immunization section above for more information.



For academic purposes at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, students are considered to be in the part-time student category if they register for seven or fewer credits and are not working toward a degree or certificate.

Note: Financial Aid has a separate definition of part-time students; please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

All part-time students must complete the regular admission process as outlined above for first-time students, or the transfer student process if transferring from another institution.



Visit the Non-Degree-Seeking Students page for information for non-degree-seeking students interested in attending classes at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.

Non-Degree Seeking Students


My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.