
How much does it cost to attend Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College?

In 2024-2025, tuition and fees are approximately $6,006 per year for a full-time student. Click below for the current Cost per Credit chart and list of courses with Differential Tuition Costs.

Cost Per Credit 24-25


Tuition Payment Plans

The college offers a tuition payment plan, split into three payments. The Tuition Deferment Form and the first payment are due no later than the end of the drop/add period. The form and payment must also be completed for each term the payment plan option are used.

Students may apply for a short-term deferral due to exceptional circumstances when additional time is needed to arrange third-party financing or otherwise satisfy a tuition and fee balance due. All deferrals must document the reason for and time duration of the deferral and be signed by the chief financial officer of the college.

Please click here to view and print a copy of the tuition deferment form.


On Campus Residence Hall Cost

The estimated cost of staying in the dorms is available on the Housing Department page located here. The exact cost may vary per student based on exact move-in and move-out dates, number of roommates, and other factors.


College Net Price Calculator

Use this online college cost calculator to determine your potential costs to attend college.

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What is the Net Price Calculator?

The Net Price Calculator is a tool for students and parents to use to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. The information you receive from the calculator is an estimate of costs and financial aid. The estimate assumes that you will be a degree-seeking undergraduate student enrolled full-time (12 or more credits) in fall and spring semesters.


Access Your Student Account Information

Admitted students in good standing can register for courses, check grades, view account balance, make tuition payments, review financial aid status, and print unofficial transcripts using the online student account system. Students can log-in to the system using the student StarID and password here.


Tuition Invoice Information

Each semester you will receive an initial tuition invoice in the mail. You will only receive this one invoice from the college, but you can also access all of your student account information online at the college website as explained above. You will find your tuition charges, payments and/or financial aid and account balances under the heading ‘Bills and Payments.’ A computer is available at our Business Office Service Window counter if you need assistance viewing your account online.

Financial aid awards are not reflected on the tuition invoice. This is because students have the first five days of a term to add or drop classes without obligation for tuition or fees, but only if your credit load remains the same. The financial aid process commences on the ninth day of classes.

If you have received an award letter from the financial aid office, payment on your tuition is deferred until the ninth day of the term when disbursement of financial aid commences. All financial aid is processed by the college business office through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. All grants, scholarships and loans are first used to pay student tuition, fees, books and/or other charges. If there are remaining financial aid funds, the refund is processed via BankMobile Disbursements based on how the student requested the funds. Any balance of tuition, fees or other charges not paid off by financial aid becomes payable in full. Financial aid is typically disbursed once a week. Students can monitor when financial aid has been applied to their account and when a refund has been issued by reviewing their account on the student e-services website. Because your BankMobile Disbursements information is sent to the address we have on file, it is very important that you keep your mailing address current in your student record.

For more information and Bankmobile Disbursements refund options, visit the page at this link.

At the end of each calendar year, check your student account online for your 1098-T from the Minnesota State. This tax information on your tuition payments is also furnished to the Internal Revenue Service.


Payment by Credit Card

If you wish to pay tuition by returning the top portion of your invoice with the requested credit card information filled in, please also add the three-digit security code found on the back of the card. If the cardholder address is other than the student address, this also needs to be supplied on the remittance stub.


Postsecondary Enrollment Options Students

If you are a PSEO student, the invoice serves as a confirmation of your registration. If you have completed the program registration and none of the course numbers are below a 1000 level, you can be reasonably assured the PSEO Program will pay for the tuition.


Registration Cancellation for Non-Payment Policy

Tuition is due and payable in full no later than the end of the drop/add period. This due date is extended if you are receiving financial aid if you have submitted a Tuition Deferred Payment Request Form or inappropriate situations as listed in the policy. Please read the complete policy here.

Your Business Office staff welcomes you to stop by the Business Office Service Window counter with any questions you may have or for any further assistance.


My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.