The Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program allows Minnesota high school students in 10th, 11th and 12th grade to start earning college credits by taking college courses while they are still in high school. Tuition is free for PSEO students, saving participants both time and money on completing a college degree. PSEO courses may also fulfill high school course requirements and count toward a high school diploma.
Please review the information provided below and contact PSEO Advisor Kate Meisner with any questions regarding PSEO at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (FDLTCC).
Kate Meisner
Office 135
(218) 879-0835
Current PSEO Notice of Student Registration Form
2025-26 PSEO Student Registration Form
The PSEO Student Registration Form (also the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) “Notice of Student Registration (NOSR) form”, sometimes referred to as the “MDE form”), must be submitted for each semester that a student wishes to attend FDLTCC as PSEO.
All completed PSEO forms should be submitted in person or emailed to FDLTCC’s PSEO Advisor Kate Meisner, office 135 or kathryn.meisner*AT*, or Assistant Registrar, Mariah Rozell, office 128 or mariah.rozell*AT*
The purpose of the Minnesota Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act is to promote rigorous educational pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options for Minnesota’s 10th, 11th and 12th grade high school students. The program enables students to seek enrollment in eligible postsecondary institutions for college level courses/programs on a full-time or part-time basis*.
Students must be aware that the social and academic atmosphere at colleges may vary greatly from that at high schools. More freedom and less structure in the academic and social setting of a college require maturity and responsibility in order for a student to succeed.
*PSEO does not cover summer courses or below 1000 level courses.
PSEO For High School Diploma
As a PSEO student, it is important that you work closely with your high school or home school contact to ensure you are meeting graduation requirements and receiving their approval when selecting FDLTCC courses.
Credits from courses taken at a college level may count differently on a high school transcript. You’ll need to work with FDLTCC’s PSEO advisor and your high school counselor to ensure you are meeting your educational goals within both institutions.
Students must be classified as high school sophomores, juniors or seniors and cannot be classified as full-time students in their high schools.
Twelfth grade students are eligible and may be considered for enrollment if their high school certifies them as being in the upper one-half of their class, or the student has achieved a score at or above the 50th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test, or have at least a 2.5 grade point average.
Eleventh grade students are eligible and may be considered for enrollment if the high school certifies them as being in the upper one-third of their class, or the student has achieved a score at or above the 70th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test, or have at least a 3.0 grade point average.
Tenth grade should have attained a passing score or met the eighth grade standard on the eighth grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment in reading and meet other course prerequisites or course enrollment standards established by the college. These standards include but are not limited to assessment test scores, program admission or other requirements.
Tenth grade students may only enroll in ONE CTE approved course for their first semester of PSEO. Successful completion (i.e. grade of “C” or better) will allow further enrollment options in coursework.
If class rank or test score criterion are not met, students are not officially accepted for the PSEO program and should not register for courses. Students may be admitted to the PSEO program with receipt of a completed waiver letter and a letter of recommendation from a high school principal, counselor, or home-school contact indicating student readiness and ability to perform college-level work.
All PSEO students shall be enrolled on the basis of available space and/or other appropriate, defined local standards and procedures.
Students should meet with a high school guidance counselor or other high school official to discuss the appropriateness of participating in the PSEO program. Students must make sure they meet the class rank requirements.
Applying to FDLTCC
Formal application to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College must be completed, including the submission of required supporting documents such as transcripts, immunization records, and other PSEO forms.
Further information on FDLTCC’s admissions procedures and the online application are available at
If you have questions or need assistance with the application, please contact Admissions.
Office 125
(218) 879-0808
PSEO students should have their high schools send their transcripts to Further instruction is available at
PSEO Forms
In addition to applying for admission to FDLTCC, PSEO students must also provide the Minnesota Department of Education’s Notice of Student Registration form. This form is updated every school year and must be submitted for each semester that a student wishes to attend FDTLCC as a PSEO student.
The current, fillable form is available at the link below.
2025-26 PSEO Student Registration Form
Please print the form before signing it.
If you are under 18, a parent/guardian must sign the form. Full financial responsibility for your classes will become yours or your parent/guardian if left unsigned.
A signed statement recommending admission from the student’s high school will also be required If class rank or test score criterion are not met.
Release of Information (ROI) – Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students must sign a Release of Information (ROI) form to allow others to access their educational records. Without this signed consent, FDLTCC cannot share any student information. Releases are valid for one year and must be updated annually.
“FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.” – U.S. Dept. of Education
Students may request ROI forms from FDLTCC’s Admissions office.
Admissions Office
Office 125
(218) 879-0808
Completed ROI forms will only be accepted if received back from the student.
All completed PSEO forms should be submitted in person or emailed to FDLTCC’s PSEO Advisor Kate Meisner, office 135 or, or Assistant Registrar, Mariah Rozell, office 128 or
Admitted PSEO students need to meet with an advisor at FDLTCC to plan out their schedule and register for classes.
Kate Meisner
PSEO Advisor
Office 135
(218) 879-0835
PSEO students will also be asked to complete online orientation prior to attending college classes. An email with more information about orientation will be sent to students approximately a month before the start of the semester.
FDLTCC offers many options for placement:
- The college can use Accuplacer, ACT, SAT, and MCA scores for course placement;
- If students do not have scores from the tests previously listed, the High School Grade Point Average (GPA) or guided self-placement will be used to place students into courses; and
- Students may also use previously passed English and Math courses for placement; please request that your previous college/university send us an official transcript and inform our Admissions staff.
*PSEO does not cover summer courses or below 1000 level courses.
Accepted students will be required to meet FDLTCC’s minimum academic progress requirements. Students will receive high school credit for successfully completed classes at the 1000 and 2000 level taken at FDLTCC.
Please contact PSEO Advisor Kate Meisner with any questions regarding PSEO at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (FDLTCC).
Kate Meisner
(218) 879-0835
Complete information and program requirements may be obtained by contacting the Admissions Office at (218) 879-0808 or
Information is subject to change.