Student Senate


Mission Statement

The Student Senate is a student-run, student-driven organization of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College that forms a dual government with the Anishinaabe Student Council to advocate on behalf of and provides all students with representative leadership and communication to decision makers.



The purpose of the Student Senate shall be to:

  • Hear and represent all student voices regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, educational level or political affiliation;
  • Protect and promote the best interests of students;
  • Advocate on behalf of students and student issues to all decision makers on a local, state, and federal level.
  • Work with the Anishinaabe Student Council to develop campus and student unity through cultural awareness and celebration;
  • Be a resource for students regarding campus or Minnesota State policies that affect them;
  • Work to increase the level of student input in all aspects of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College operation and development;
  • Work towards consensus in decision making when possible and practice sensitivity to the minority view.

Students are encouraged to contact their Senate representatives with any concerns or questions. Senate meetings are open to all. Meeting notices, agendas, and minutes are posted on the Senate bulletin board outside Room 242. The Senate office is in Room 249 and the Senate mailbox is in Room 242, also known as the club meeting room, across from the student lounge.


Student Senate Offices:

  • President – Olivia Hintsala
  • Vice-president – Katie Gould
  • Secretary – Carter Barrett
  • Treasurer – Clinton Kezena
  • Communications Director – Jacob Morton
  • Activities Director – Kathy Dunaisky
  • Advocacy Director – Kyri Benton (Cox)



Officers are elected by a plurality vote of the student body. Elections for the academic year take place in the spring. All students enrolled in one or more credit may cast one vote for each office.


Requirements for Candidacy

Officer candidates shall have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale or better at the date of elections from their institution or their high school. In the case of transfer or first-time students with no GPA, the Senate may choose to verify or waive the requirement with a majority vote. Candidates for the presidency shall have completed two semesters of study at FDLTCC at the time they assume office. For more information regarding the Student Senate, please contact Nick Timmerman at 218-879-0881 or nicholas.timmerman*AT* The Student Senate Office can be reached at 218-879-0779.

For information on other student life activities, contact the Director of Housing and Student Activities at 218-590-3345 or via email to jstirewalt*AT*

Olivia Hintsala – President

From: Duluth, Minnesota

I’m currently working towards my AA in Human Services, as well as the Chemical Dependency Program.

Favorite Quote: I often find myself coming back to the serenity prayer, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”.









Katie Gould – Vice President

From: McGregor, Minnesota

AA, Chemical Dependency, Human Services with the plan of completing my Nursing Degree.

I’m a mother of 4 Kids and going to be grandma for the first time in November.

Favorite Quote: “Define what success is on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life your proud to live” – Anne Sweeney









Carter Barrett – Secretary

From: Red Lake, Minnesota

I am majoring in human services and chemical dependency.

Favorite Quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world” – Greta Jarvinen









Clinton Kezena – Treasurer

Human Services/Chemical Dependency

Favorite Quote: “Never argue. In society nothing must be discussed. Give only results.”









Jacob Morton – Communications Director

From: Duluth, Minnesota and a member of Couchiching First Nation

I’m majoring in American Indian Studies.

My plan is to go to law school after this.

Favorite Quote: “Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” – Proverbs 4:23









Kathy Dunaisky – Activities Director

I’m majoring in Human Services my AA and Chemical Dependency

Favorite Quote: “live every day to the fullest”









Kyri Benton (Cox) – Advocacy Director

From: Lower Sioux Indian Community

I’m majoring in Chemical Dependency and Human Services

Favorite Quote: “for every dark night there’s a brighter day” – Tupac










My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.