Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (FDLTCC) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff, and members of the campus community. To ensure that, FDLTCC has developed a Preparedness Plan for On-campus and Off-campus College Activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This plan utilizes the abundance of guidance offered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and local public health offices.FDLTCC’s goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in the campus community. This effort will require full cooperation among students, faculty, staff, visitors, and other members of the campus community. We are all responsible for implementing this plan. Only through a cooperative effort, can we establish and maintain the safety and health of the campus community.




This applies to all employees, students and other visitors to campus who wish to enter campus buildings.

FDLTCC holds as paramount the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community. The college, however, cannot guarantee a COVID-19-free environment. The risk of COVID-19 exposure exists in all public places where people are present, and while the college is taking all recommended steps to mitigate this risk, we cannot categorically guarantee you will not get sick. Minimizing the risk of COVID- 19 infections (or any other spread of disease) at FDLTCC is a shared responsibility. As outlined below, every member of our community – including you – must do their part. Your involvement is essential.

FDLTCC’s Preparedness Plan follows the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19. The plan addresses the following:

  • Required COVID-19 Symptom Screening
  • Required Face Coverings for all on campus
  • Guideance for Those Exhibiting Symptoms
  • Safety Procedures
  • Hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette
  • Social distancing
  • Housekeeping – cleaning, disinfecting and decontamination
  • Prompt identification and isolation of sick persons
  • Communications and training that will be provided to the campus community
  • Management and supervision necessary to ensure effective implementation of the plan

This policy is subject to change at the discretion of FDLTCC.


Health Screening Protocol and Requirements for Employees and Students

Every employee and student to whom this operating instruction applies must complete the COVID-19 Symptom Screening form prior to the initial entry of a campus building each day. Employees and students are required to answer the screening questions truthfully and correctly to the best of their knowledge. FDLTCC retains the discretion to adopt the specific type of screening procedure or instrument used and to change the screening procedure as needed.



Students who complete but do not pass the health screening are not authorized to enter campus buildings and must contact the FDLTCC COVID Response Team to discuss academic and student service options available to the student. The case management team will coordinate services and provide referrals as needed to ensure student success.



Employees who complete but do not pass the health screening are not authorized to enter the workplace and must contact their supervisor using their regular call-in procedure. If the employee is not assigned by the supervisor to telework:

  1. The employee is expected to take affirmative steps to obtain a medical diagnosis as to whether they have, or still have, COVID-19.
  2. If Paid COVID-19 Leave is available and the employee is otherwise eligible, the employee may use Paid COVID-19 Health Leave as provided in the Paid COVID-19 Leave policy, while they are taking affirmative steps to obtain a medical diagnosis. To the extent that Paid COVID-19 Leave is not available, but paid leave under the Families First Corona Virus Response Act (“FFCRA”) is available, the employee may use paid FFCRA leave as provided in the FFCRA.
  3. If the employee is advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine based on the provider’s belief that the employee has COVID-19 or may have COVID-19, and Paid COVID-19 Leave is available and the employee is otherwise eligible, he or she may use Paid COVID-19 Health Leave as provided in the Paid COVID-19 Leave policy. To the extent that Paid COVID-19 Leave is not available, but paid leave under the Families First Corona Virus Response Act (“FFCRA”) is available, the employee may use paid FFCRA leave as provided in the FFCRA.
  4. If neither Paid COVID-19 Leave or paid FFRCA leave is available, or the employee is not otherwise eligible for such paid leave, the employee may use accrued sick leave or unpaid medical leave while the employee is taking affirmative steps to obtain a medical diagnosis or while the employee has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine. Employees that have exhausted sick leave may use other forms of accrued paid leave to in place of sick leave in this circumstance.
  5. If the employee obtains a medical diagnosis that the employee does not have COVID-19 (i.e., the employee tested negative for COVID-19 or a medical doctor or certified nurse practitioner determined that the employee does not have COVID-19 and may return to work), the employee is expected to provide evidence to her or his supervisor of the negative diagnosis, and return to work.
  6. If the employee obtains a medical diagnosis that the employee has COVID-19, the employee is expected to return to work under the following guidance (or as directed using current MDH or CDC guidelines).
  7. If the employee had symptoms, they are not able to return to work until they have been 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medication and symptoms improved and 10 days since symptoms first appeared. ***
  8. If the employee had no symptoms, they are able to return to work after 10 days have passed since they were tested.

Employees who refuse to complete the screening are not authorized to enter the workplace. Those who refuse to complete the screening and who are assigned to work on  campus will be deemed absent from work without approved leave and may be deemed as refusing a work directive. The employee:

  1. Must report to their supervisor using their regular call-in procedure and explain the circumstances of his or her refusal to complete the health screening.
  2. May be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
  3. May be deemed absent from work without approved leave and may be placed in no-pay status until the employee returns to work after completing health screening as required by this operating instruction or their job responsibilities no longer require screening under this operating
  4. May request a meeting with HR and supervisor upon the first instance of refusing to complete the health screening for an explanation of the health screening requirement and to present the employee’s side of the story and/or explain the reasons for refusing to comply. Employees will be placed in pay status for the period of the meeting. The employee may have union representation at the meeting.


Tennessen Notice (Use of Health Screening Data)

The following Tennessen Notice describes the purpose and intended use of the data that will be collected in the health screening process:

FDLTCC is using the using a health screening instrument as a conditions of entering campusbuildings: The data collected about you in this screening process n is classified as private under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.

We will use this data to screen individuals before they enter campus buildings for potentialCOVID-19 related health risks to try to avoid the potential of spreading COVID-19. The data helps us to determine whether risk factors are present and whether you will be denied admission to campus buildings for the protection of FDLTCC employees, students and/or other members of the public.

This is not a COVID-19 test and is not a determination of whether or not an individual is infected with or has been exposed to COVID-19.

This data will be gathered to determine whether to permit you to enter campus buildings. You are not legally required to provide this data. However, if you refuse to provide the data, you will not be admitted to the any campus buildings. If you are an employee, your refusal to provide the data may also result in employment consequences, as determined by the FDLTCC and as set forth in the FDLTCC Health Screening Policy. If you are a student, your refusal to provide the date may result in academic or student conduct consequences, as determined by FDLTCC. The data collected from you may be shared with FDLTCC HR staff, safety administrator, and supervisors and managers, authorized individuals from the Minnesota State system office and other persons or entities authorized by law.


Confidentiality of Medical Information

All health-related information gathered from the health screening will be treated as private, will be stored securely, and will not be stored or maintained in an employee’s individual personnel file, or in a student’s official academic records. Health-related information gathered from the health screening will be maintained for at least one year.


Required Use of Face Masks or Face Coverings

FDLTCC requires all employees and students entering and occupying all indoor spaces, including on-campus work, classroom locations, or off-campus events, to use face masks or face coverings that completely cover the individual’s mouth and nose.

The college may require the use of face masks in the following circumstances:

  1. The intended use of the classroom or work location, or the expected characteristics of the event make it probable that social distancing will be difficult to maintain given the expected number of occupants of the area and its physical dimensions.
  2. The intended use of the classroom or work location, or the expected characteristics of the event, make it probable that it will be difficult to maintain regular hygiene practices to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 when such hygiene practices should normally be observed.
  3. The intended use of the classroom or work location, or the expected characteristics of the event is in furtherance of professional or vocational programming related to which the use of face masks or face coverings or enhanced personal protective equipment is the norm.
  4. An employee assigned to work in the classroom or work location or the event has been advised by a health care provider that the employee, or a person in the employee’s household, or a family member or non-family member as defined in MMB HR/LR Policy 1440 for whom the employee regularly provides care, is at elevated risk for contracting COVID-19 or is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19; or is subject to a Federal, State, or local isolation or quarantine order related to COVID-19.
  5. A student who requires regular access to the classroom or work location or the event has been advised by a health care provider that the student, or a person in the student’s household, or a family member or non-family member as defined in MMB HR/LR Policy 1440 for whom the student regularly provides care, is particularly vulnerable to COVID-19; or is subject to a Federal, State, or local isolation or quarantine order related to COVID-19.


Exceptions to the Required Use of Face Masks or Face Coverings; Consequences for Failure or Refusal
to Comply

Unless granted an exemption by FDLTCC, all employees, students and members of the public who enteror remain in a work or classroom location must wear a face mask or face covering that completelycovers the mouth and nose.

  1. Employees who are unwilling to wear a face mask or face covering in a required area due tothe employee’s i) religious belief, or ii) disability, as defined in the Americans withDisabilities Act, should contact the Human Resources office to request an accommodation.
  2. Employees who enter college buildings without a face mask or face covering and who are notexcused from the requirement to wear a face mask or face covering, are subject to disciplinaryaction consistent with the procedures established in the applicable collective bargaining agreementor compensation plan.
  3. Students who are unwilling to wear a face mask or face covering in a required area due tothe student’s i) religious belief, or ii) disability, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact Nancy Olson, Disabilities Services coordinator, to request an accommodation. Students who enter college buildings without a face mask or face covering and who are not excused from the requirement may be subject to disciplinary action under the student code of conduct and may be removed from campus.
  4. Students in internships, clinical and other experiential learning settings may have to take additional respiratory precautions based on the specific setting, practice, and host site guidelines and expectations.



Employees and students will be informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before coming into the building for work or classes. The following procedures are implemented to assess the health status prior to entering the campus and for employees, students, and visitors to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms.

Operating Procedure for Students and Visitors:

  • All students and visitors will enter the campus through the main entrances. Side and back entrances will remain locked.
  • Every person reporting to campus or a college-sanctioned event will be required to complete the online screening form.
  • Students will be informed of the COVID Screening requirements through email andD2L Brightspace.
  • It is recommended that students complete the form prior to arrival at the college. If students are unable to complete the online screening form prior to arrival to the campus anopportunity to complete the screening upon arrival to the college or college sanctioned event will be provided.
  • If the answer is “yes” to any question, they should not report to the college and inform their instructor.
  • Verification of screening will be sent to the student’s email provided in the form.
  • Students will be asked for verification of daily screening upon arrival to the college.
  • Every student and visitor reporting to campus will be have a body temperature screening at the entrance. If body temperature is greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit they will not be allowed entrance to the building.
  • Any student or visitor presenting with symptoms or who develops symptoms during class will be asked to return home and will not be penalized. Students should inform their instructors if they are ill or experience symptoms while at school and notify the COVID Response Team at


Operating Procedure for Employees:

  • Employees will be required to self-monitor for known Covid-19 symptoms through the online COVID 19 screening form daily prior to reporting to campus.
  • Employees will continue to follow standard operating procedure of notifying supervisor if they are sick or experiencing symptoms while at home or work.
  • Employees will refrain from physically reporting to work on campus if any symptoms are present
  • If an employee develops any symptoms while they are at work, they will notify their supervisor and immediately leave the campus or college-sanctioned activity and notify the COVID Response Team at covidresponseteam*AT*
  • Verification of daily screening will be sent to the employee email provided in the form.
  • Supervisors may request confirmation that employees on campus have completed the form for any day that an employee was on campus from the COVID Response Team Coordinator.
  • Employees are encouraged to contact HR with any questions regarding leave policies that promote workers staying at home when they are sick, when household members are sick, or whenrequired by a health care provider to isolate or quarantine themselves or a member of their household as implemented by the Minnesota State and Minnesota Management and Budget.
  • Employees should continue to work directly with their supervisor regarding plans to complete necessary work assignments using all available options if accommodations are needed for workers with underlying medical conditions or who have household members with underlying health conditions.
  • FDLTCC follows Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and local health department guidance and direction on informing workers if they have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 on campus and requiring them to quarantine for the required amount of time.
  • The protection of the privacy of workers’ health status and health information is of utmost importance. No data collected on daily health screenings will be stored or recorded in any employee files.




Basic infection prevention measures are being implemented at our campus(es) at all times. Employees and students are being instructed to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water frequently throughout the day or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol). This is especially important at the beginning and end of their time on campus, prior to any mealtimes and after using the toilet. All visitors to campus facilities will be required to wash their hands prior to or immediately upon entering the classroom. All work, classroom, screening, and common spaces will have hand-sanitizer dispensers available for all.


Respiratory Etiquette: Cover Your Cough or Sneeze

Employees, students, and visitors are instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and to avoid touching their face with their hands, particularly avoiding their mouth, nose, and eyes. They should dispose of tissues in the trash and wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette is demonstrated on posters and supported by making tissues and trash receptacles available in work and classroom places. Signage regarding CDC and Public Health recommendations to prevent the spread of respiratory illness have been posted throughout campus, near restrooms and at all entrances. Masks or cloth face coverings will be required to be worn at all times while on campus. The requirement to wear face coverings is for the purpose of limiting the spread of infection from people who may be infected but are asymptomatic thereby protecting the entire community. Face coverings may also provide some limited protection from being infected if exposed.

Employees, students, and visitors are encouraged to provide their own masks while attending
on campus learning and activities, if they do not have a mask one will be provided for them.


Here are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Masks or cloth face coverings can help with preventing your germs from infecting others – especially in situations where you may spread the virus without symptoms.
  • Wearing a mask or cloth face coverings does not protect you from others who may spread the virus. So, even though whether you wear a mask or cloth face coverings, you still need to wash your hands frequently, cover your cough, avoid touching your face, and practice social distancing by keeping at least 6 feet of space between people at all times when possible.
  • People who are sick should still stay home. Wearing a mask or cloth face coverings does not mean people who are sick should go out into the community. If you are sick and need to go to the doctor, call your health care provider before going in and wear a mask or cloth face coverings to the clinic.
  • Don’t buy or wear surgical or N95 masks. These supplies are in high need in health care facilities to protect health care workers.
  • A mask of cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask or cloth face coverings without assistance. Social distancing Social distancing is being implemented on campus through the following engineering and administrative controls:
  1. Classes that can be delivered in an alternate format are encouraged to do so.
  2. Employees that can work remotely should continue to do so.
  3. Employees shall be offered flexible work hours, staggered shifts, and additional shifts to reduce the number of employees in the workplace at one time.
  4. If required to come to the campus consider the necessity of the visit, an appropriate time of that visit so as to limit the number of employees and students on campus at the same time.
  5. Employees and students are asked to maintain six feet of distance between colleagues and visitors.
  6. Be aware of and avoid crowded spaces including break or lunchroom, elevators, and restrooms.
  7. Vehicles will only be signed out to single occupants and cleaned and disinfected after use.
  8. Classes, meetings or gatherings of greater than 25 should be done virtually and in-person meetings should be extremely limited.
  9. Classes, meetings or gatherings will be limited to the social distancing room capacity assigned to classrooms and meeting spaces.
  10. Cloth face coverings are required on campus, with the exception of one person working in a private office.
  11. Any concerns regarding student, staff, or faculty safety should be reported to the COVID Response Coordinator or the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
  12. Employees and visitors are prohibited from gathering in groups and confined areas such as hallways and are not allowed to wear others PPE.


My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.