Thinking of transferring to OR from Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College?

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College has developed this transfer webpage to provide important information about transfer for students.

As a general rule, it is helpful for students to decide as soon as possible what their academic major is at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. It is equally important for students to identify the college to which they plan to transfer, understand transfer policies, and plan their academic program at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College with the assistance of an academic advisor/counselor, or with a program director.

This webpage covers a variety of transfer information:

  • Transfer Admissions Procedures
  • FDLTCC Transfer Policy and Procedures
  • Transfer from Other Institutions
  • Student Appeal and System-Level Appeal Procedures
  • Minnesota Transfer Curriculum policy and procedure
  • Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Agreement
  • FDLTCC Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Courses and Course Outlines
  • Articulation Agreements Description and link to FDLTCC agreements
  • Transfer Resources and Related Links
  • Student Right-to-Know Graduation and Transfer Out Rates

For more information about transfer, please contact the transfer specialist Erica Gelo at 218-879-0746 or erica*AT*


The receiving college or university decides which credits transfer and whether those credits meet its degree requirements. The accreditation of both the originating and receiving institutions can affect the transfer of the credits earned.

Institutions accept credits from courses and programs similar to those they offer. They look for similarity in course goals, content, and level.

Not everything that transfers will help students graduate. Baccalaureate degree programs usually count credits in three categories: general education, major/minor courses, and electives. The key question is “will the credits fill the requirements of the degree or program chosen?”

If a student changes a career goal or major, they might not be able to complete all degree requirements within the usual number of graduation credits. Students who are currently enrolled in a college or university should:

Confer with the campus transfer specialist about transfer plans and find out who can assist in selecting courses that will transfer.
Visit the intended transfer college and pick up a college catalog and a transfer brochure.

Call the intended transfer college, speak to their transfer specialist and find out the admissions criteria for the institution and major of interest. Request transfer application materials, find out what materials (e.g. portfolio, transcripts, test scores) may be required for admission, ask whether there is a deadline for all materials to be submitted, and request information about financial aid and application deadlines.

Make an appointment to talk with a Program Director in the program area of interest. Ask about course transfer and admission criteria. Prepare for this meeting by reading catalog information about the specific major or area of interest.

As student planning to transfer, it is important to determine the type of degree (diploma or certificate) that best meets your educational goal by talking to a transfer specialist and by researching your career. If you plan to attend a two-year college with the intention to transfer to complete a four-year baccalaureate degree, it is extremely important to plan your courses and program carefully since not all associate degrees or programs are intended to transfer

Minnesota State’s Transfer Information web page provides descriptions of the transferability of different types of associate degrees/programs and transfer planning information to help students explore the transfer process. The action plan will also help you navigate the resources available to you as you go through transfer.


Application for admission is always the first step in transferring. Students desiring to transfer should fill out applications as early as possible prior to deadlines. The required application fee should be enclosed.

Students are required to send official transcripts from every institution they have attended. Students are required to provide a high school transcript or GED test scores as well. If transferring between Minnesota State institutions, transcripts can be accessed for free from the admissions office of the institution students wish to transfer. Contact the admissions office at the transfer institution for information.

Most colleges make no decisions until all required documents are in the student’s file. Students should check to be certain the college or university has received all the necessary paperwork.

If the intended college of transfer does not respond after one month, students should call to check on the status of their applications.

After the college notifies students that they have been accepted for admission, their transcribed credits will be evaluated for transfer. A written evaluation should indicate which credits do not transfer. Students with questions about their evaluations should call the transfer institutions Office of Admissions and ask to speak with a credit evaluator. Rationale for judgments regarding specific courses should be made available.


Transfer students are entitled to the following:

  • A clear, understandable statement of an institution’s transfer policy.
  • A fair credit review and an explanation of why credits were or were not accepted.
  • A copy of the formal appeals process. Usual appeals steps are:
    • Student fills out an appeals form; supplemental information (syllabus, course description, or reading list) can help.
    • Department or committee will review.

Student receives, in writing, the outcome of the appeal. If a student is not satisfied with the transfer decision, the student may appeal the transfer decision at the college level to the chief academic officer. If the appeal is denied, the student may submit a request to the Minnesota State Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for a system-level appeal.

Beginning January 1, 2002, all Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses offered by a Minnesota State institution must transfer into the goal areas as designated by the original institution. If a student’s evaluation does not reflect this, the student should meet with the transfer counselor. The complete Minnesota State policy 3.39 for Transfer Rights and Responsibilities is located here.


Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will implement a periodic review process for its Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and the courses included as required by Minnesota State.

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Courses can be found here. (Select the Associate of Arts program planner checklist.)

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Course Outlines can be found here.


Admission in Good Standing

Applicants are admitted in good standing if they are eligible to return to the last institution(s) attended and have a 2.0 overall grade point average based on a 4.0 scale for all courses taken at all post-secondary institutions attended.

The grade point average from the transfer institution is not used in computing the student’s grade point average at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.

Transfer students may be given provisional admission until all transcripts are received by the college. Failure to supply the necessary transcripts may lead to suspension from the college.


Course Credit Transfer Policy

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College shall evaluate college-level course credits completed by an admitted student, as submitted on an official transcript, to determine if the credits shall be accepted in transfer. Once credits are accepted in transfer, they will be further evaluated for their applicability to the student’s program and graduation requirements.

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College shall evaluate credits in compliance with Minnesota State Policy 3.21: Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer, and Minnesota State Policy 3.37: Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College shall follow the recommendations of the Joint Statement on the Transfer and Award of Credit, 2001, in implementing transfer policy and procedures:

Decisions on the transfer of credit shall involve the following considerations: Educational quality of the learning experience which the student transfers; comparability of the nature, content and level of the learning experiences offered at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College; and appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.

Students shall receive notification of the results of their transcript evaluation and have the opportunity to receive an explanation for the acceptance or non-acceptance of credits. Students may appeal an evaluation decision if not satisfied with the explanation. An appeal denied at the institution level may be brought to the system level using the procedure established by the Office of the Chancellor.


Determining Course Comparability or Equivalency

A course may be determined to be equivalent to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College course if it meets a minimum of 75% comparable course content. For sequential courses, students need sufficient preparation to succeed in the next course in the sequence. A list of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s articulation agreements can be found at


Transferring technical, occupational or professional course credits

Credits from technical, occupational or professional programs or departments will be accepted in transfer as technical electives. A maximum of 16 credits of technical electives may be used as elective credit toward an associate of arts degree. Students transferring into a like program at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will have their technical, occupational or professional credits evaluated for equivalency to program course requirements. General studies credits of a non- technical nature will be evaluated for equivalency to general studies courses offered by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


Credit Life

Occupational course credits, including prerequisites, earned more than five years prior to admission into a specific program, need the program coordinator’s approval to fulfill current program requirements. Certain occupational areas may have more stringent requirements. These requirements are detailed in the specific academic program’s description in the college catalog.


Transferring Credit Granted by a Non-Regionally Accredited Institution

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will work with students desiring to have credits accepted from non-regionally accredited institutions, to be used towards degree or certificate requirements at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. Students with courses from non-regionally accredited institutions must demonstrate learning outcomes by choosing from Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s Credit by Examination policy or by completing the petition process. The petition process includes: students completing the petition form. In addition, students should attach copies of the transcript, course descriptions, and course syllabi. The Petition Committee will review petitions. Additional information may be requested during the evaluation process.

Students wishing to transfer to a four-year institution should consult that institution’s policies regarding transfer of credits from non-regionally accredited institutions. Depending on that institution’s policies, credits earned from non- regionally accredited institutions may not be accepted at that institution.


Transferring Credit Granted by an Institution Outside the United States

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College may accept credits from colleges and universities outside the United States based on an evaluation of degree and course equivalency by a professional evaluation service. Students are required to provide an original transcript and an English translation (if applicable) to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, as well as to submit documents to and pay for a catalog match evaluation from Education Credential Evaluators, Inc. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The web address for this company is:


Evaluating Developmental Courses

Developmental courses shall not be granted college-level credit and they shall not apply to certificate, diploma, or degree completion requirements. However, a developmental course appearing on a student’s transcript shall be evaluated to determine the student’s readiness for college-level coursework or further developmental- level placement.


Credit Limit

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College does not limit the total number of credits a student may earn through transfer; however, the applicability of transfer credit to program and graduation requirements shall be consistent with Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College graduation requirements.


Credit for Prior Learning

Internal Assessment

Students may request to have prior learning evaluated through portfolio review, test out, waiver exams, skills demonstrations, oral interview, written research papers, project evaluation or a hybrid of multiple assessment types by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College faculty. Students must be enrolled at FDLTCC to be eligible and are unable to receive this assessment if they have previously taken the course or are currently registered for it. Students are not eligible for financial aid for credits obtained through this process.

Students will meet with the instructor of the course to discuss feasibility of completing the requirements of the assessment. If the instructor agrees to the assessment, the student will complete the Credit for Prior Learning form and pay the Business Office the CPL assessment fee of $100.00 per credit. The assessment fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee awarded credit. The student will bring the form along with the paid receipt to the instructor who will then perform the assessment and issue a grade of Pass (P) or No Credit (NC). The instructor then submits the form to the Registrar for course set up, registration and grading. The instructor will keep a separate record specifying how course outcomes were met by the assessment.

Credit for Prior Learning Form

External Assessment

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College may accept the following as credit for prior learning:

  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Examinations covered in the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to Educational Credit by Examination
  • Military Education Experience
  • Credit by Examination (nationally recognized)


Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Students whose scores on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination are rated three, four, or five will be considered for advanced placement and/or credit. Students who wish to apply for advanced placement should have their results sent to the Records Office. Please check to see how AP scores transfer to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

Students successfully completing the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examination with scores of four, five, six, or seven will be considered for advanced placement and/or credit. Diploma or certificate copies should be sent to the Records Office.


College Level Exam Program (CLEP)

CLEP examinations are designed to assess student mastery of introductory college course material in particular subject areas.

According to Minnesota State guidelines, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College shall grant college credit to students who earn a score of 50 or higher on CLEP examinations, with the exception of Level 2 foreign-language examinations, for which a minimum score of 60 for German language, 59 for French language, and 63 for Spanish language is required. These scores conform with recommendations made by the American Council on Education and comply with M.S. 120B.131 pertaining to eligible high school students.

Equivalent course credits shall be granted when a CLEP examination covers material that is substantially similar to an existing college course.

Elective course credits shall be granted when a CLEP examination covers material that is deemed to be college-level but is not substantially similar to an existing course.

A college or university shall not limit the total number of credits a student may earn through CLEP examination. However, credits earned through CLEP examinations are not resident credits and may not be used to satisfy resident credit requirements for graduation.

A student must provide the college with an official report of CLEP examination scores in order to receive credit. Please check Transferology to see how CLEP scores transfer to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


Military Credit Transfer for Veterans and Service Members

It is important for veterans to check with the transfer specialist regarding credit for previous education and training accomplishments.

Credit or waiver of credit will be authorized using “A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services,” (by ACE) after consultation with appropriate faculty members. These credits will be granted on a Pass (P) basis.

Veterans who receive financial assistance should check for rules that do not permit payment for courses that are taken more than once and refer to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s Veterans Services contact for more information. Courses taken must meet degree requirements to receive funding. For more information, please view the page on the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs website here.


Credit by Examination

Students currently enrolled at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College may petition for an examination granting credit for courses normally offered by the college. Normally, only students who have gained knowledge in certain fields through training or experience and who believe they have sufficient background in an area usually gained through a regular course offered by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College should pursue this avenue.

Examinations will be offered at the discretion of the supervising instructor if he/she believes the student is adequately prepared and may succeed in the examination. Examinations may take the form of a written test, an oral examination, or some other demonstration of competency.

Special fees are attached to this service: A fee of $50.00 for two (2) credits, and $100.00 for every additional credit must be paid prior to the exam and is not refundable, even if the student does not pass the exam. Forms to request credit by examination are available in the Student Services Office. All credits earned through this procedure will be recorded on the student’s official transcript clearly marked as “credit-by-exam.”


Credit by Nationally Recognized Examination

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will also consider Thomas Edison College Examination Program (TECEP), Excelsior examinations, New York University Foreign Language Proficiency (NYUFLP) examinations, the National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) assessments, Defense Activity for Non- Traditional Education (DANTES), and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Official score reports for each of the above exam programs are required for transfer evaluation. Please see to see how DSST scores transfer to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


Transcripts and Supporting Documentation

The student is responsible for arranging for an official transcript and any other required supporting documentation from previously attended institutions.


Grade Requirements

All college courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, or D shall be considered for transfer evaluation. Grades shall be accepted as earned credit. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College shall accept Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses with the passing grades earned at the sending institution regardless of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s grading requirements. A 2.0 GPA in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses is required for the recognition of a student’s completion of the entire 40-credit Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.

If the student’s cumulative grade point average at the original institution is less than 2.0, no D grades for non-MnTC courses will be accepted in transfer from that school. Students retain the right to appeal the acceptance of credits.


Transfer Evaluation Appeal

Students will receive written notification from the Records Office after their transcript evaluation has been completed. Information will be provided on the number of credits transferred, the equivalency status of each course, and the applicability of transfer work to the student’s program of study. Students are encouraged to contact the Transfer Specialist if they have questions about their evaluations and/or wish to understand the rationale for evaluation decisions. In the event of disagreement with the outcome of the transcript evaluation, a student may appeal within one month of receiving the evaluation notice by completing an Academic Petition form, which is available in the Records Office. Supporting documentation should be attached to the academic petition form. The Petition Committee will review the petition.

Academic Petition Form

System-Level Appeal

If the student is not satisfied with the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College transfer appeal decision, the student may submit a request to the Minnesota State Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs for a system-level appeal. The complete Minnesota State policy 3.21 for Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer is located here.


Minnesota State and the four tribal colleges of Minnesota, including Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, have developed a partnership with all seven state universities, paving the way for seamless transfer between the 2-year tribal colleges and any of the Minnesota State universities. Each university has assigned a staff person to assist students from tribal colleges with their transfer questions and needs. For more information, visit:


Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, as a member institution Minnesota State, will establish and implement the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum as the package of lower division general education requirements in compliance with Minnesota State Policy 3.37 and Procedure 3.37.1 – Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.

The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum, established in Fall 1994, is the means by which students transfer their completed lower division general education requirements to any public college or university in Minnesota. Each receiving Minnesota State institution will accept a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum course, goal area, or entire curriculum as determined and documented by the sending Minnesota State institution.

All Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses will be verified by the faculty of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College as meeting the goals and student competencies agreed upon by representatives of all public higher education systems in Minnesota.

All students who enroll at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College are eligible to complete the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum. Students who seek the Associate of Arts degree must complete the full Minnesota Transfer Curriculum. Students who seek the Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science degree must complete portions of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum as specified by their program planners.



Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will use the criteria established for review of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum to ensure consistent implementation across the Minnesota State system. Documents available for reference on the Minnesota State Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Instructions web page include: Checklist of Criteria for Evaluation of Courses Included in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum, and Guidelines for the Review and Design of a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.


Transfer from a Minnesota State Institution

When a Minnesota State college or university has determined that the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum has been completed by a student, the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum will be accepted as complete for that student at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


Transfer from the University of Minnesota

When the University of Minnesota has determined that the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum has been completed by a student, the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum shall be accepted as complete for that student at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. If the student has not completed the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum at the University of Minnesota, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will determine how each course meets Minnesota Transfer Curriculum requirements for that student. If evidence is presented that another Minnesota State institution has assigned a University of Minnesota course to a goal area, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will accept the course as meeting the same goal area competencies for that student.


Transfer from Other Institutions

For course credits accepted in transfer from a regionally accredited institution, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will determine how each course meets Minnesota Transfer Curriculum requirements. If evidence is presented that another Minnesota State institution has assigned an accredited institution’s course to a goal area, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will accept the course as meeting the same goal area competencies for that student. If evidence is presented that another Minnesota State institution has assigned a non-accredited institution’s course to a goal area, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will NOT accept the course as meeting goal area competencies.

Students with courses from non-regionally accredited institutions must demonstrate learning outcomes by choosing from Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s Credit by Examination policy or completing the petition process.


Grade Requirements

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will accept Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses, completed goals areas, and the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum with the passing grades earned at the sending system college or university. Compliance with this Minnesota State policy means that Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will accept D grades in Minnesota Transfer Curriculum-assigned courses only, effective for students enrolling in Spring Semester 2008 and beyond.

A 2.0 Minnesota Transfer Curriculum grade point average that includes all transfer course grades as well as Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College course grades is required for recognition of a student’s completion of the entire Minnesota Transfer Curriculum with or without completing an associate degree. This grade point average calculation will be made in the general education requirement section of a student’s degree audit.

To be eligible for verification of completion of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, a student must have earned a minimum of 20 semester credits at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, including the last 10 semester credits.

As specified in the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College graduation requirements, students must meet the grade requirements established by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College for a specific program and degree. The calculation of this grade point average will be based on Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College courses only and is the grade point average that will appear on the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College transcript.


Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Agreement on Courses

New or revised courses proposed to be included in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum will be presented for approval to the campus Academic Affairs and Standards Committee. This committee will apply the criteria listed above to determine course eligibility and placement in Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goal areas.


For students planning to transfer to another institution after attending Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, it is important to plan ahead. Information is available from the counselors and advisors regarding college transfer and making the process as smooth as possible. Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor or counselor when planning to transfer to another college or university.

Minnesota Transfer provides a guide for seamless transfer within Minnesota higher education. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College publishes the following information on the college website, in the college catalog, and at

  • A current list of Minnesota Transfer Curriculum courses
  • Information related to this Minnesota Transfer Curriculum policy and procedures
  • Academic program requirements that include Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goal areas
  • Appeal process information

The official site of Minnesota State. Transfer options and descriptions for programs within Minnesota State institutions are available on the Minnesota State Transfer Information page here.

The official site of the Minnesota Private Colleges.

The official site of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium of tribal colleges.


Transferology is a multi-state, web-based transfer information system that provides you with fast and accurate course and transfer equivalency information. You can obtain program information, course descriptions and equivalencies, and student services websites (admissions, financial aid). By creating a plan, you can see how your courses transfer to other participating colleges and universities. Minnesota is a collaborative effort by Minnesota State and the University of Minnesota.

Student Right-to-Know Graduation and Transfer Out Rates Student Right-To-Know is a federal law that requires all colleges and universities to disclose certain information to students. The linked pdf file provides the information that the college must provide to students on graduation rates and transfer-out rates for full-time students seeking degrees at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


DARS is a computerized tool for tracking a student’s progress toward completing a degree at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. Transfer courses accepted and program requirements students still need to complete at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College are included on the DARS report. To view and print your DARS report, log into your Student eServices account here.

For additional DARS information or assistance with printing a DARS report, see an adviser, counselor, or the Records Office staff.


Articulation Agreements are formal agreements between two or more colleges and universities to accept credits in transfer toward a specific academic program. Articulation Agreements are generally for specialized professional or technical programs offered at colleges (e.g., Associate of Science (AS), Associate of Fine Arts (AFA), Associate of Applied Science (AAS), diplomas, certificates) that can be applied to a specific program/major at the receiving university.

Each institution is responsible for developing articulation agreements with other institutions. Some institutions have agreements with all or nearly all of the colleges and universities in the state, while others have agreements with only a more limited number of colleges or universities.

NOTE: Transfer often occurs without articulation agreements. See Minnesota for course-by-course transfer information. The entire technical/ specialized program usually has to be completed to be honored as fulfilling part of an articulation agreement. Although transfer is possible without an articulation agreement, some or all of the courses in a technical/specialized program may not transfer without one.

To review Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s Articulation Agreements, please go to the Minnesota Transfer website here.

Erica Gelo, Registrar
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
2101 14th Street
Cloquet, MN 55720
Office: 218-879-0746
Fax: 218-879-0814


My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.