Purchasing Procedures
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College adheres to strict policies regarding purchasing, procurement, and contracts made on behalf of the college. This information is provided here to assist employees who make requests for purchases or have purchasing authority.

If you have any questions regarding the purchasing process, please contact a staff person in the Business Services Department.


Request for Purchase (NPR) form
See an example of a completed Request for Purchase form.


Purchasing Policy
The complete Minnesota State policy 5.14.5 regarding purchasing procedures is located here.


Contract Requirements
The complete Minnesota State policy 5.14 regarding procurement and contract requirements is located here.

Any questions regarding contracts can be directed to Lori Driscoll in the Business Services Department, 218-879-0860.


Purchasing Process

The following guidelines apply to all purchases requested and made on behalf of the college:

    • Purchases under $5,000 should be executed in the best interest of the college. Staff should compare prices, vendors, and product/service options to assure financial resources are used in a responsible manner.
    • Purchases over $5,000 require quotations unless a current state contract is utilized. Purchases over $5,000 must be prepared on forms approved by the system office. If you estimate the purchase to be over $5,000 you must contact the Purchasing Office for proper Minnesota State procedures (879-0860.)
    • Purchases over $25,000 require sealed bids. If you estimate the purchase to be over $25,000 you must contact the Purchasing Office for proper Minnesota State procedures (879-0860.)
    • There are additional purchasing requirements published in Minnesota State Procedure 5.14.5, please contact purchasing if you have any questions regarding a purchase.
    • Complete an NPR/Requisition for Purchase form (found in trays near staff mailboxes), all information as outlined above needs to be completed on the request.
      1. Fill in vendor name, address, phone and fax number.
      2. Give as much information as possible in the description area (ie. who, what, why, where, when, etc.)  Attach any relevant paperwork.  Remember to include pricing.
      3. Include cost center of the department to which this purchase should be charged.
      4. Sign and date on “Requested by” line.
    • Submit to CFO for approval and signature. If over $3,000, CFO will secure President’s signature as well.
    • CFO will review budget to ensure sufficient funds are available in applicable department budget before approving request.
    • If insufficient funds are available within budget, individual must work with CFO to discuss options and possible budget transfers.
    • Approved request is then given to the purchasing agent to be entered into the computer.  The request is given a Purchase Order (PO) number at this point in the process.
    • Once entered into the system, a PO is printed and faxed or mailed to the vendor.
    • Purchase Orders: Purchase orders are required to initiate a purchase of goods or services.


When a vendor will not accept a purchase order the following procedure applies:

  • Purchasing agent will determine if another vendor can reasonably provide the product or service.
  • If purchasing agent deems no other vendor can provide the product or service, then purchasing agent may suggest the individual request use of the campus purchasing card.
  • Purchases approved for payment utilizing the campus purchasing card still require a purchase order using US Bank as the vendor. Accounts payable will process the payment to the credit card upon receipt of an invoice and/or confirmation that the charge has been placed.
  • All other exceptions must be approved by the Business Office prior to creating an obligation.


Contracts for Vendors

Service contracts are required for non-tangible services such as consulting, writing, legal, educational, instructional, professional, and technical services when the cost is greater than $200. Contact purchasing at 879-0860 to obtain contracts or with any questions regarding contracts. For further information regarding contracts or contract templates see the page here.

Funds must be encumbered prior to making any obligation. An expenditure or obligation authorized or incurred prior to encumbering funds is illegal and ineligible for payment until made valid and is in violation of M.S. 16A.15,Subd.3. Any person authorizing or making the payment, or taking part in it, is liable to the state for the amount paid. A knowing violation of M.S. 16A.15, Subd.3 is just cause for progressive discipline.


16A Statute Reference
The Minnesota Statute 16A.15 regarding encumbering state funds for purchasing can be viewed on the page here.


Accounts Payable Process

  • Payment for products and services: All payments will be processed within 30 days as required by the State of Minnesota according to the following procedure:
  • Invoices: Vendors should submit invoices to accounts payable. Accounts payable will ask originator of order to stop in business office and complete the following:
    1. Review the invoice to verify that services and or products have been received.
    2. Indicate the date services and/or products were received.
    3. Sign, date and mark invoice “ok to pay”
    4. Accounts payable will submit payment to the vendor only upon receipt of the approved invoice. Therefore, staff must review and approve/deny invoices in a timely manner.
    5. Any questions should be directed to Paula Hagenah at 879-0809.
  • Packing slips: Vendors will often include a packing slip with the shipment. Packing slips are forwarded to accounts payable by receiving staff when shipments are received. Packing slips are verification the shipment has been received on campus. Accounts payable will not forward invoices to the originator when a packing slip is present and matches the invoice, instead accounts payable will process payment.
  • Prepayment: Prepayment of products and services is not permitted for any expense (except subscriptions, software, and memberships that have an invoice or an amount due clearly stated.)No payment will be processed from just a purchase order, from any “special handling instructions” included on a purchase order, or from a statement. An invoice must be provided with authorization from appropriate staff to process payment.


I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.

My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.