MinnState uses Office 365 Outlook as the provider for our faculty and staff email.
Additional Login Pages
- ISRS Faculty Access (Input grades, view courses, faculty overrides, etc.)
- Online Class Login
- North Star Login
- Nuventive Login
- Report Professional Development
- Reserve a Room
Technical Support
Request Help:
- Fill out a ticket here to get help: IT Help Ticket
- Peter Angelos, Executive Information Officer, (218) 879–0839 or via email to peter.angelos*AT*fdltcc.edu
- Brad Bohlmann, Information Technology Specialist, (218) 879–0711 or via email to bradb*AT*fdltcc.edu
- Stop by to see us in Room 223.
Other Help Available:
- Robin Anderson, Academic eLearning Specialist, (218) 879–0797 or via email to: robin.anderson*AT*dltcc.edu
Wireless Network Access
For your security and safety, the wireless network across campus is encrypted, requiring a username and password. We will gladly connect network devices (laptops, cell phones, etc.) to the network for staff, faculty, and registered students. The device must be capable of connecting to a WPA Enterprise network. In most cases, this only takes a few minutes to complete. Please stop by our office and we will connect your wireless device.
A guest network (FDLTCCGuest) is available across campus. The network access is open, but can only pass Web (HTTP and HTTPS) traffic.
Campus Alert System
The Campus Alert System is an emergency notification messaging system used by Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College. The system uses text, voice, and email messaging to notify you of campus-related emergencies. In the event of an emergency, a text and/or voice message will be sent to the cell number and/or an email will be sent to the email address provided.
The Campus Alert System is an opt-in system and you must register in order to receive emergency alerts. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College students are asked to sign-up for the Campus Alert System.
Please follow this link to register for the Campus Alert System:
Campus Alert Emergency Notification System Registration Site