The Grants Office was established to support FDLTCC’s mission to provide higher education opportunities for its communities in a welcoming, culturally diverse environment.  The Grants Office support efforts focused on funding activities, including assistance and award management.  

The following pre- and post-award procedures apply to grant, contract, and cooperative agreement activities at FDLTCC. They have been developed to assist staff and faculty to meet sponsor and FDLTCC administrative requirements. All related forms are in the Grants Office or linked below. 

Before Applying for a Grant

If you are looking to fund a project with a grant but need help finding a funding source, contact the Grants Office for assistance finding funding. 

 Applying for a specific grant that you have found 

  • Begin pre-application form and direct questions to Grants Director.  
  • Schedule meeting with Grants Director to finalize pre-application form 
  • Submit pre-application form for review by Admin 
  • Admin will review the pre-application form within 2 weeks of submission and notify applicant of decision.  
Writing / Application

After receiving approval to move forward with the application, applicants can begin writing a grant application on their own if they are able. There may be grant writing help available – contact Grants Director. 

Grant Application Website If the grant application must be submitted through a website, check with the Grant Manager to determine if the college has an existing account with that site.  

Commonly Needed Facts:  Often grant applications require FDLTCC’s organizational information, including DUNS number and tax ID number. This information along with other such common application facts can be retrieved from the Grants Manager.    

Common Proposal Features:  The most important item to remember when developing a proposal is to follow the grant RFP (request for proposal.) Each grant has its own guidelines, and these are always subject to change. Within that context, the grant developer will usually complete the following items: table of contents; abstract; narrative (including introduction, need, goals, objectives, work plan/activities, methodology, timeline, results/benefits, organizational capabilities, key staff, and the evaluation); budget; and justification. Guidelines and assistance on the development of these items can be obtained from the Grants Director.   

When developing the grant budget, meet with EFO to determine salary rates and indirect costs.  

Resolutions:Some funding agencies require a resolution from FDLTCC’s Board of Directors or the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. It is essential to notify the President’s Office of this fact immediately to ensure that this can placed on the next agenda or that a special meeting can be called if needed.   

Letters of Commitment/Support: Many funding agencies encourage cooperative efforts and often require letters from those agencies with whom FDLTCC will be collaborating. Letters of commitment must provide a statement of commitment to the project. Funding agencies usually describe the specific commitments that partners must pledge. Letters of support provide a general statement of support for the proposed project.    

Proposal Review: – Prior to submitting an application, the narrative and budget should be submitted to the Grants Manager for a final review at least one week prior to the application deadline. 

Proposal Submission – A final submission is typically required to be completed by the President.  Be sure to coordinate with the President to make sure they will be available around the deadline date and plan accordingly 

Post Award

Notification of Award / Non Award – If awarded, submit all award paperwork to the Grants Office.  

Accounting Setup – After receiving award paperwork, EFO will set up accounting for the grant and provide codes to the PI. If faculty/staff are paid through the grant, their salaries associated with the grant will be setup at this time.   

Post-Award Meeting – After notice of award has been received, set up a meeting with Ryan to go over reporting requirements, reporting responsibilities, due dates, and draw schedule.  

Contacts/Sub-Award – If there are contracts or subawards required for the grant, they must be signed before work can begin.  The Business Office will work with you to draft contracts and send out for signature. 

Changes during Award 

  1. Budget Modification – Allowable modifications vary by grant. All requests to pursue modifications should be sent to Grants Director before being sent to granting agency.  
  1. Change in Scope – Any intent to change the scope of a grant should be sent to Grants Director, and a meeting will likely be scheduled to determine next steps. Changes in scope generally require approval of the granting agency.  
  1. Grant Extensions – Some grants allow extensions at the end of the grant. Before seeking an extension, contact Grants Director.  

During the grant, meetings will be set up by the Grants Director to touch base on grant process. The frequency of meetings needed will be determined by the Grants Manager.  

Grant Close

One month before closing a grant, Ryan will setup a meeting to review any final changes that need to be made.  

Final reporting must be submitted by the deadline given by the grantee agency.  

Grant records will be kept in the Business Office for 5 years.  


My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.