Information about COVID-19 For Minnesota State Students, Faculty and Staff
November 24, 2020 Update

The following information was shared with all current students and employees via email and social media on November 24, 2020:
Minnesota’s New COVID-19 Exposure Notification App is Free!
Imagine that you test positive for COVID-19. You tell your friends and family that you may have been in contact with, but how do you inform that people that you don’t know? Minnesota’s free exposure notification app, COVIDaware MN, will help us all do our part.
Plus, the app notifies you if you’ve been near someone who tested positive for COVID-19! And, if you test positive, you can use the app to anonymously notify anyone you’ve been near.
Please consider downloading Minnesota’s COVID-19 exposure notification app today. The app is free and does not collect any personal information or track your location.
For more information and to download the app, visit here:    You can also download the app via the Apple App Store and Google Play. This app is made available by the State of Minnesota, in partnership with the PathCheck Foundation.
Here’s a very short video that explains the COVIDawareMN notification app.
Thanks, and stay well!


November 12, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all current students and employees from President Hammitt on November 12, 2020:
We hope your semester is going well and you are all staying safe and healthy!
As you may be aware, the number of positive COVID-19 cases in our area have started to spike. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has determined that the fastest growing number of cases is within the 18-35 year-old age group. People in this group infected with COVID 19 often have no symptoms but are still contagious with the virus. MDH states it may be likely that this population has been exposed to the virus at some point.
Given that the holidays are fast approaching and in order to be vigilant on stopping the spread of the virus, the college has been advised by MDH as well as our Minnesota State System Office to strongly recommend the following:
• All FDLTCC community members be tested for COVID-19.
• Get a free COVID test prior to traveling or visiting friends and family for the Thanksgiving holiday. This is strongly encouraged to determine if you are positive for the virus.
Free tests are available at a number of area locations.
• To find testing locations near you click here
• For more information about free COVID tests at the DECC click here
• To order a free home saliva test from the Minnesota Department of Health click here.
Testing considerations
• While awaiting test results, you do not have to quarantine if you do not have symptoms or have not been exposed to a known COVID-19 case.
• If you do have symptoms or known exposure to COVID-19, you should quarantine.
Positive Test Results
• If your test result is positive, this means you currently have COVID-19 and should stay home and away from others.
• The Minnesota Department of Health response team will call you with important health information as soon as possible. It is important to answer the call from the health department as the call will provide information about how to keep yourself, family, and community safe.
• If you test positive, reporting it to your campus COVID response team will help to accelerate contact tracing
Additionally, please remember
• Wear a mask, maintain a 6-foot distancing circle from others, and wash or sanitize hands frequently.
• Do not travel or visit family if you are not feeling well.
• Reduce the number of people with whom you have close contact with prior to your travel or holiday plans to reduce the possibility of contracting the virus. This will minimize the risk of exposure and infection during the weeks leading to the holiday. Any exposures could disrupt plans to be with family or friends.
• Review the regulations governing travel to your destination. Some states have different requirements.
• While traveling, reduce the number of stops on the trip.
• Consider getting tested again and limiting your interactions with others for 14 days after returning home.
Students living on campus will receive more specific communication from Jesse Stirewalt, FDLTCC’s Housing Director.
We understand this time has been difficult and stressful. Our hope is that everyone stays well. If you have any questions, please feel free to email FDLTCC’s COVID Response Team at: covidresponseteam*AT*
Thank you.

August 26, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all students and employees from Dr. Anna Fellegy, Vice President of Academic Affairs, on August 26, 2020:
Welcome to Fall Semester 2020 at FDLTCC!  We are excited to have you with us this semester! Due to COVID 19, many things are different on campus this fall, so please read the message below for important information regarding your student experience at FDLTCC.
The campus is open:
• Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
• Campus is not open on the weekends.
• Most classes will take place off campus this semester. Please contact your instructor or check the instructions for each of your classes on the D2L announcement page for how your classes will be carried out.
Instructions when coming to campus:
You are welcome to come to campus for pre-arranged meetings with faculty or to meet with a member of our student services staff. We kindly request that you set up a time to meet with the faculty/staff member before coming to campus.
1. Complete the Online COVID 19 Screening Form found at:
2. A face covering is required at all times
3. When on campus, please keep physically distanced from others, at least 6 feet apart
4. Wash your hands often
You may be asked to stop at the screening station at the front door to show your green light email as well as get a touch-free temperature check prior to entering.
If you are experiencing symptoms, have had an exposure with a close contact, or have been instructed by your doctor or public health agency to quarantine or isolate, please do not come to campus. Please notify your instructors and visit the resources listed at the bottom of this message.
Tutoring Services:
• The Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) is open for tutoring in math, English, science, and more.
• Visit your D2L account to see the schedule or contact Sarah Libbon at slibbon*AT*
Virtual Library Services
• Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m
• Live library orientations and research assistance available
• 1-on-1 Zoom meetings with the librarian
• 24/7 access to FDLTCC library’s electronic catalog and databases
• Please contact Keith Cich if you need library services outside normal hours: keith.cich*AT*
Physical Library Hours
• Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
• Thursdays: Noon – 4:00 p.m.
• Safety instructions will be posted for all library users before accessing the collections
• Curbside pickup available by appointment
• All returned items will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours before being reshelved
Computer Lab Hours:
• Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Other FDLTCC Offices that Serve You:
• Attached to this message is a contact sheet of the FDLTCC offices and personnel that can assist you with any questions you might have—be in touch!

July 14, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all students and employees from Dr. Anna Fellegy, Vice President of Academic Affairs, on July 14, 2020:
FDLTCC is happy to welcome you to Fall Semester 2020! Yes, like all colleges in the U.S., some things will be a little different about fall 2020 at FDLTCC, but in the face of unknowns, we have planned our course offerings in a manner that maximizes safety and flexibility. The plan below not only protects us from any sudden transitions if greater restrictions become necessary, but it also keeps the door open for shifting back to normal classroom life if that opportunity arises. Please read through the information below and let us know if you have questions.
1. Hybrid courses: Most courses will be delivered as a combination of easy-access, real-time Zoom meetings supplemented with online tasks in D2L. What does that mean?
A. A normal class schedule! If there is another stay-at-home order, nothing will need to change; more important, if we can resume regular in-class delivery later in the semester, your daily schedule won’t change. (Bonus: If you do have to miss a class meeting, you can watch the video recording and not fall behind.)
B. An “almost-normal” classroom experience! The only major difference between a physical and Zoom classroom is you aren’t in the same room with your instructor and classmates. Other than that, it’s the same (yes, even small group work). (Bonus: In Zoom, you can “chat” on the side during class.)
C. Your instructor will know your face! Who you are matters at FDLTCC, and if Zooming is our best option for getting to know you, then we’ll use it more than solely online courses. Our faculty wants to see you, hear you, and share this human life together with you.
2. On-campus courses: If you major in nursing or law enforcement, your skills courses will meet on campus. If you are an Electric Utility Technology major, your EUT classes will meet on campus. If you have a science course with a lab, you might meet on campus at times. Your instructors will provide more guidance on this when the semester begins. All meetings on campus will follow safety protocols, such as wearing face masks, physical distancing, and any other safety protocols necessary for your particular class.
3. Clinicals, practica, and internships: If any of these are part of your major, your instructor will provide you with guidance based on the site hosting your learning experience.
4. Online courses: If you are enrolled in a course listed as “online” (delivered completely through D2L), your class will be run “business as usual.”
Increased Support
1. Need to learn how to use Zoom and/or D2L? FDLTCC will be offering training sessions prior to the start of the semester (schedule forthcoming) and will post training videos at by August 15, 2020, if you can’t make a live session.
2. Don’t have a computer? After August 15, 2020, check one out of the library—just like a book!—for short-term use or check one out of the IT department for semester-long use.
3. Don’t have internet access? FDLTCC can help pay for a semester-long subscription for you (and no, this isn’t a cable-company scam!). Just contact Erica Gelo, Retention Specialist, at 218-879-0835 or erica*AT*, and complete the application.
4. Don’t want to deal with a laptop or internet access? Fine! Come to campus and use the Open Lab or library resources, using the campus safety protocols as required.
5. Need tutoring? Tutors in FDLTCC’s Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) will provide individual and group tutoring sessions through Zoom (to begin) and will provide 24/7 access to (You might even see tutors sitting in on your Zoom class sessions in math and English!)
6. Need financial assistance? Yes! FDLTCC’s normal resources are available: Financial Aid Office support, student loan application assistance, and an emergency loan process for start-of-term support. Apply for financial aid now at or ask FDLTCC for help at
7. Need academic or personal assistance? Yes! FDLTCC’s normal advising, counseling, and referral services are available with flexible options to meet in person or via Zoom. Just reach out to 218-879-0800, and we will get you to the right person.
Coming to Campus
Follow the guidelines on the Quick Reference, and welcome! There are three key points:
1. Complete a two-question online screening (you can even do that before you get to campus).
2. Take a no-touch thermal temperature check when you get to campus.
3. Wear a face mask (required). If you do not have a mask, one will be provided.
As training schedules are set and instructions for access to your courses are finalized, I will be in touch again by the end of July. In the meantime, if you have questions, please feel free to contact me (218-879-0878 or afellegy*AT*, Anita Hanson, Dean of Student Services (218-879-0805 or anita.hanson*AT*, or anyone at FDLTCC with whom who usually work.

June 9, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all current students and employees from President Hammitt on June 9, 2020:
I know you are anxious to hear what our plans are for fall semester classes at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (FDLTCC), and I write to give you an update on the status as of today.
There is still a lot that we don’t know about what the future will bring related to COVID19. FDLTCC’s course schedule is being reviewed to determine various scenarios, consistent with the restrictions in place at this time. Courses related to essential workforces will come back for face-to-face classes if they can be managed according to safety protocols. These are law enforcement skills, HLTH 1050 skills portion, and portions of the nursing curriculum that cannot be completed in an alternate delivery mode. The resumption of clinical offerings, practica, and internships will continue to follow the restrictions currently in place and, thereafter, will likely be dependent on the actions of the sites at which they are held. It is quite likely that all other courses will be offered in a hybrid of ZOOM/D2L in the manner similar to spring 2020, at least as the semester begins. Even with these limitations, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College is currently, and will continue to be, open, and staff are ready to serve you now and during fall semester! We will adapt campus plans as necessary, to safely serve our students and continue to provide an extraordinary education.
Make no mistake — the safety, security, and health of our students, faculty, and staff continues to be our top priority. To that end, we are making plans to bring students back to campus in as safe an environment as possible. We will be mindful of proper social distancing across the campus and residence halls and continue to appropriately clean and sanitize FDLTCC, while working closely within the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines.
We also ask you to help by:
• Washing your hands often with soap and water; covering our cough and sneeze; avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Wear cloth face coverings when on campus. If you don’t have one, one will be provided.
• Staying home if you are sick
• Frequently cleaning all commonly touched surfaces
• Avoiding large gatherings
More information regarding guidelines and proper protocols for being on campus will be provided throughout the coming weeks as we continue our work towards having students back on campus. As always, we will follow guidelines and best-practices outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and the MN Department of Health. A new email address will be established for your use to ask questions and offer comments or suggestions. The address will be: covidresponseteam*AT* and will be available for your use very soon.
And, one final note – I understand the past few months have been challenging for each of you. I am so proud of the resiliency our FDLTCC students, faculty, and staff have exhibited during this time. I have no doubt that as we work to welcome you back for fall semester and begin classes that same resilient attitude and work ethic will shine through again at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.
We all look forward to when we can be together again! Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Take care,
Stephanie Hammitt, President

May 7, 2020 Update

Information about the federal CARES Act was sent this week to current students who are eligible for support. The information was sent via a postal mail letter from President Hammitt. The letter contains important information regarding emergency funding to eligible students and provides campus contact information if students have questions.  A pdf copy of the letter is available for reading and printing here. 
Here is a pdf file answering Frequently Asked Questions about how FDLTCC processed CARES Act funding. (FAQ added on May 13, 2020.)

April 9, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all current students and employees via email from President Hammitt on April 8, 2020:
Governor Walz extended his stay-at-home order through May 4, 2020. We will continue to operate as we have been this week.
* The computer lab will be open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and until 7:40 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.
* Offices and classrooms will continue to be locked. This includes doors to the student services area and the business office window.
* Limited staff will be on campus each day. Students are encouraged to call with questions or for help with registration.
* Please feel free to wear face masks in order to protect others, maintain distance, and continue to wash hands thoroughly.
All of your precautions have paid off so far as we are so fortunate that no one from campus has gotten sick.
Please see the statement that Chancellor Devinder Mahlhotra has shared via social media following Governor Walz’s Stay at Home extension:


April 6, 2020 Update

Spring Semester 2020 classes resumed today using alternate delivery of instruction. No in-person classes are meeting on campus. Students should directly contact instructors with any questions regarding courses.


March 31, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all current students and employees via email from President Hammitt on March 31, 2020:
Dear campus community,
I hope you are all doing well. I miss seeing everyone on campus and hope we can all be back soon! All of the recent actions we have taken surrounding COVID-19 are necessary and important for everyone’s well-being. A few other decisions have been made and are listed below.
• We will continue to have only a limited number of staff on campus during the week along with limited access to the building. Entrance will continue to be via the front-east facing door by the information desk.
• The open computer lab will remain accessible to students. This will be the only room open for the foreseeable future.
• We have decided to shut the Student Services doors and the Business Office window in order to limit the possibility of face-to-face contact. A phone will be available by the Information Desk along with a phone directory, so anyone coming onto campus can call the individual and speak with them over the phone. We are asking staff to not have direct face-to-face contact with students at this time.
• Some housing students have been contacting Jesse Stirewalt to set up a time for them to pick up their belongings. He is arranging the schedule to minimize the number of folks on campus, he has been offered personal protective equipment, and will let students know that if they need anything from someone on campus, they must call or email at this time. They are discouraged from entering the main building. Jesse has also altered the check-out process to limit close contact.
• For the health and safety of both staff and students, no staff will be allowed to transport any students during this time.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 situation has come to this and for everyone’s safety, these steps are necessary and important. We do not want anyone impacted in a negative manner. We are starting to see the effect of coronavirus on people our employees know and it is heartbreaking.


March 26, 2020 Update

The following information was sent to all current students and employees via email from President Hammitt on March 26, 2020:

  • Yesterday, the Chancellor sent an email communication to each of you regarding the latest status of system operations due to COVID-19. The Governor of Minnesota has implemented a statewide “stay at home” order for a period of two weeks for citizens beginning Friday, March 27, and lasting until April 10, 2020.
  • Along with other system institutions, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College is considered essential and will remain open. Although the campus will be open, there will be limited staff available, and limited access to the facility. The front, east-facing door by the commons area will be open between the hours of 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • We ask you to please limit visits to campus and minimize movement throughout the building. Students will have access to the computer labs in order to complete course assignments if necessary. The maintenance department is working diligently to keep the building clean and sanitized and we want to limit possible exposure to the wider campus spaces in order to keep students, staff, and faculty safe and healthy. Classrooms will be locked during this time along with some office spaces.
  • Many staff will continue to work from home for the time being, but are checking messages and emails and are available to help.
  • An email regarding registration for summer session and/or fall semester has also been sent to students with directions for on-line registration and with contact information for advisors and program coordinators in case students have questions or need assistance.


March 20, 2020 Update:

The following information was sent to all current students and employees via email on March 20, 2020:
We are beginning to have staff transition to working remotely and will have limited personnel on campus starting today and moving forward. We have not received any guidance on how long this will last. Please watch for emails about any status updates.

  • Campus will be open Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. starting Monday March 23, 2020.
  • Campus will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays until further notice.
  • Access to the main campus building will be limited to through the front doors (facing east) by the amphitheater/commons area.
  • Maintenance staff will be available during open building hours.
  • A schedule for tutoring services and the Center for Academic Achievement (CAA) availability will be forthcoming.


March 18, 2020 Update:

The following information was sent to all current students and employees via email on March 18, 2020:
• We have been directed by the Minnesota State System Office to have staff work from home as much as possible during the immediate future in order to maintain the health and safety of our employees and students. Essential work functions at the college will continue. All staff will not be available at all times. Student support services will still be available to those needing them, but you are encouraged to call ahead and make an appointment. This will ensure appropriate staff will be available to help you. Even with limited hours, our goal is to continue to provide you with the tools you need to successfully complete Spring Semester.
• As of today, computer labs and library services will still be available. Please check the special COVID-19 page on the college website for updates regarding these services.
• Entrance to the academic building will be limited to the front (east) facing main door by the information desk in the commons/amphitheater area.
• Remember that classes will resume on Monday, April 6. Watch for communication from your instructors in the coming days to help you prepare for your classes.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to make plans moving forward. We base our actions on guidance from our system office and on the information coming to us on a daily basis. The safety and health of our students and employees are of the utmost importance and always guide us when making decisions.

March 16, 2020 Update:

Our Spring Break period is extended an additional week through March 30-April 3, with classes resuming on Monday, April 6.
While there will be no classes during the time instruction has been suspended, campus will be open and administrators, faculty, and staff will be working through the needed logistics to teach classes using alternative modes of delivery. Campus facilities and services, including the residence hall and student services, will remain open and staffed.
Minnesota State is closely monitoring the developing situation related to COVID-19 and is committed to taking steps necessary to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, and students.
Information that Minnesota Department of Health is making available for schools, colleges and universities is available here.
Information from the Center for Disease Control regarding managing stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 situation is available here.
All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to heed the guidance of the Minnesota Department of Health; in particular, stay home when sick, cover your cough, and practice good hand hygiene.
Please check your email regularly, especially over the next three weeks, for more information and updates.

March 13, 2020 Update:

The following information was sent today to all to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College employees and students in a message from President Stephanie Hammitt:
Yesterday, Chancellor Malhotra sent emails to all staff, faculty and students regarding Minnesota State system’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College is following the system office’s direction and important information for the entire campus community is outlined below.
• Our scheduled Spring Break week during March 16-20 is extended through March 23-29, with classes resuming Monday, March 30.
• While there will be no classes (including online classes) during the extra Spring Break week, administrators, faculty, and staff will spend that week transitioning courses to alternative deliver format and adjusting campus learning spaces to ensure everyone’s safety.
• During the extended break week, students in clinicals, practica, and internships may report to those sites.
• Campus facilities and services, including the residence hall and student services, will remain open and staffed. Student workers can also continue to work if on campus.
• FDLTCC has canceled all gatherings and events with expected attendance of more than 100 attendees until at least May 1.
• All out-of-state business travel for students, faculty, and staff, is suspended effective March 16. For in-state travel or other events, please carefully assess the conditions of destination communities to carefully consider the potential risks to yourself, participants, students, colleagues, family, and friends.
• The FDLTCC facilities staff are using updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the Minnesota Department of Health and have implemented specific efforts in cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and public spaces on campus.
• To date, there have been no positive cases of COVID-19 reported at any Minnesota State college or university or at the system office.
• Should a case of COVID-19 occur on campus, the Minnesota Department of Health will confirm the case and lead efforts to identify all those who were in contact with the ill person and give further instructions at that time. If you are concerned that you have been exposed, please self-quarantine and contact your medical provider, supervisor, or college administrator.
Personnel from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system are closely monitoring the developing situation related to COVID-19 and are committed to taking steps necessary to protect the health and safety of our faculty, our staff, and our students.
Information that Minnesota Department of Health is making available for schools, colleges and universities is available at
All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to heed the guidance of the Minnesota Department of Health; in particular, stay home when sick, cover your cough, and practice good hand hygiene.
Please check your email regularly, especially over the next two weeks, for more information. Dr. Fellegy, Vice President of Academic Affairs, is working closely with faculty to develop plans ensuring continuity of instruction. She will be sending an email to students shortly to give an update and also to seek information through a short survey. The survey responses are intended to help us gain insight on how best to serve students during this event.
Thank you to faculty and staff for your work and flexibility, to the students for your patience as we work through these rapidly changing times and to the administrators for your work and guidance.
As always, please contact me (President Hammitt) if you have any questions or concerns.

Information Posted on March 6, 2020

Due to growing concern regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Minnesota State suspended all school and business-related international travel, effective February 28, 2020.
The suspension of international travel includes study aboard programs and other activities involving Minnesota State faculty, staff, and students. The policy does not apply to personal travel outside of the U.S., but only to trips organized or sanctioned by the 37 colleges and universities of Minnesota State.
New guidelines issued March 1, 2020 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encourage higher education institutions to consider these measures given the speed of spread and number of countries experiencing human-to-human transmission.
“It is paramount that we ensure the safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff. Given the risks associated with the coronavirus, the CDC’s guidelines, and out of an abundance of caution, Minnesota State is taking all necessary precautionary steps,” stated Minnesota State Chancellor Devinder Malhotra. “We are working closely with our colleges and universities and the Minnesota Department of Health to continue monitoring the situation.”
All students, employees, and visitors of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College are encouraged to use standard well-being practices like coughing and sneezing etiquette, hand washing hygiene, and staying home when sick.
For specific questions or concerns at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, the campus contact is Anita Hanson, Dean of Student Services, 218-879-0805 or anita.hanson*AT*
March 6, 2020 letter to Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College Staff, Faculty, and Students:
“FDLTCC is closely monitoring information regarding the COVID19 (Coronavirus) through the MinnState System Office. We receive information from the Centers for Disease Control and the Minnesota Department of Health and use that as guidance for operations. Weekly calls are held by System Office officials to update us with any new information.
At this time, domestic travel is not restricted and public gatherings are allowed. We ask that everyone practice personal safety precautions such as washing hands frequently and avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Disinfectant wipes are available and maintenance staff are doing their due diligence by cleaning points of contact on a regular basis.
As we receive more information, it will be communicated to all via the college’s student and staff email system.
Thank you.”
Stephanie Hammitt, President

Minnesota State Specific Guidance and Information

When did the international travel suspension for Minnesota State-related business travel for students, faculty, or staff become effective?
The suspension became effective Friday, February 28, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. central standard time and impacted all international Minnesota State-related business travel for students, faculty, or staff at that time. There is no specific end date for the suspension, however, the suspension policy is being reviewed on a recurring basis.
What countries or locations are not included under the chancellor’s suspension of international travel?
The international travel suspension does not limit Minnesota State-related travel to the U.S. Territories including Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, U. S. Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico. Given its proximity, Minnesota State-related travel to Canada will be reviewed on a case by case basis. There is no limit on domestic travel to include travel to Hawaii or Alaska. The suspension policy will be reviewed and updated on an as needed basis.
How long is the suspension of international travel?
While the international travel suspension policy is being reviewed on an as needed basis, there is no specific end date for the suspension. Those with Minnesota State-related international travel planned for the future should be in contact with their carriers and destination or hosts on cancellation or change polices and alternatives or options, given the circumstances.
How does the suspension impact those traveling to Minnesota State institutions from international locations (Examples: guest speakers, candidates, potential students, family members)?
There is no limit or restriction on those traveling from international locations to Minnesota State colleges, universities, or the Minnesota State system office. They will be subject to the protocols in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) depending on where they are coming from.
What if I paid a service charge to my college/university or to a third party for a study abroad experience that was canceled?
Minnesota State is working in close partnership with its 37 colleges and universities with the goal of easing potential impact on students. Individuals who prepaid for their international trip should contact their college/university representative to seek guidance.
Virtual Delivery Resources for Students
Minnesota State System offices and the Minnesota State Information Hub are working together to provide resources and support for students who are transitioning from in-person to virtual delivery of their Spring Semester 2020 courses. If you have questions on how to set up your StarID, use D2L/Brightspace or Zoom, please call 1-844-456-3876. Students will receive immediate assistance or be guided through the process to submit a ticket for more complex issues.
Information about areas of assistance, student guides and the extended hours schedule can be found at the following Student Academic Continuity webpage here.

Additional Resources

Follow this link to the Carlton County Department of Public Health Information regarding COVID-19.
Follow this link to the Minnesota Department of Health information page regarding COVID-19.
United Healthcare is offering an Emotional Support Help Line for ALL students through one of their subsidiary companies called Optum. Their toll-free help line number, 866-342-6892, will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for as long as necessary and the service is free of charge and open to any student, not just international students. Students would have access to specially trained mental health specialists to support them if they feel they are experiencing anxiety or stress related to the recent developments around COVID-19.
Covid-19 Health Alert Graphic, CDC
COVID19 Traveler Info Card, CDC


I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.