Alcohol and Drug Policy

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College does not encourage the use of, nor condones the misuse of, alcoholic beverages and other drugs. The unlawful use, possession, or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs at College‑sponsored events is prohibited by federal and state law. Students who use, possess or distribute alcohol or illegal drugs on campus will be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the College’s code of conduct and civil and state laws. This prohibition extends to any person on College grounds, whether he or she is a member of the College community or not. Minnesota statute defines “alcoholic beverage” as any beverage containing more than one‑half of one percent alcohol by volume.

Sanctions may include but are not limited to:

  • Confiscation of any alcohol, drugs, or paraphernalia
  • Conduct warnings or probation
  • Counseling or medical referral
  • Removal from the residence hall
  • Suspension or expulsion from the college
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies for the prosecution of charges


The goal of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College is to create an environment which is free of alcohol and other drugs. The College supports those who choose a lifestyle free of chemicals and offers support groups on campus to those in recovery.

Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College and Minnesota State prohibit the use and/or possession of alcohol and other drugs on campus. According to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) and Minnesota Statutes 152 Prohibited Drugs, 340A Liquor Act, and 624.71 Liquors in Certain Buildings or Grounds, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College has implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by its students and employees. Students and employees receive drug and alcohol education materials annually.

Click here for a PDF of the full Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus Policy for students and employees at FDLTCC.

Standards of Conduct

Standards of conduct, as outlined below, apply to all students, employees, and visitors at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.

No student, employee or visitor shall use, manufacture, sell, give away, barter, exchange or distribute: a controlled substance or drug paraphernalia as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 152, while on campus or while involved in a college activity, service, project, program, or work situation off campus.

No student, employee, or visitor shall possess a controlled substance; 1) while on campus, or 2) while involved in college activity, service project, program, or work situation off campus except when the possession is for the person’s own use and is authorized by law.

Except as allowed by Minnesota Statute 624.701, no student, employee or visitor shall introduce upon, or have possession upon any college campus, or while involved in a college activity, service, project program, or work situation, any alcoholic beverage as defined in Minnesota Statute 340.101.

Employees working on federal grants or contracts who are convicted of a criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace are required to inform the principal campus administrator of the fact within five calendar days of conviction. The college will notify the federal government within ten days after receiving notice of such an employee being convicted of a criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace.

No employee shall report to work and no student or visitor shall report to campus while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance (except as prescribed by a physician), which affects alertness, coordination, reaction, response, judgment, decision-making, or safety.



College sanctions for housing and on-campus violations of the Drug and Alcohol Policy will result in the following consequences, with the possibility of other sanctions to be determined by the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management.

First Offense

Student meets with the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management to review the violation and an investigation will occur. Students found in violation will receive a $250 fine that will be added to the student’s account. As a result of the violation, the student will be placed on disciplinary warning and will receive written notification. Campus support and community resources will be offered to the student. If no further violations occur during the school year, the fine will be removed from the student’s account. However, a record of the violation will be maintained by the Housing Director and Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management and another dorm violation in a subsequent school year may result in removal from the dorms.

Second Offense

Student meets with the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management to review the violation and an investigation will occur. If the student is found to have violated policy for the second time, the student will be asked to leave student housing immediately, and the student will be provided a list of area housing resources. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College are not responsible for locating new housing accommodations for the student. Also, the student will be trespassed from the residence halls for the remainder of the academic school year. If the student wishes to return to housing the following school year, an application can be submitted and will be reviewed by the Housing Director and Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College administration for approval. Students on campus who are found in violation of the drug and alcohol policy for a second time will be removed from their courses.


Alcohol Violations

Minnesota has many statutes which regulate and control alcohol use and misuse. Fines and penalties are given on the basis of minimum requirements and prior violations. Some crimes and violations are as

Driving While Impaired

Driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol (blood alcohol content .08)
A second offense and multiple offenses carry significantly greater fines and penalties

Persons under the age of 21

Misdemeanors: Consumption and possession unless in parent or guardian’s home, purchase or attempts to purchase alcohol, entering licensed premises, misrepresenting age.

Aiding Minors

Gross Misdemeanor: To sell, furnish or give minor alcohol, to induce a minor to purchase alcohol, to lend or permit the use of a license to a minor.

Additional Risks

Many students consider drinking to be normal and respectable, but many people forget that the abuse of alcohol can cause serious physical and mental problems.
• Emotional problems
• Difficulty at work
• Family turmoil
• Legal problems
• Health problems
• Spiritual struggle
• Memory loss
• Financial difficulties
• Relationship tension
• Trouble dealing with reality
• Intellectual barriers
• Poor academic performance
• Loss of muscle control
• Impaired judgment
• Impaired thinking and reasoning processes
• Loss of inhibitions
• Social conflict
• Accidents and injuries


My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.