Video Surveillance and Recording

Policy Statement

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College recognizes the need to achieve a balance between an individual’s right to privacy and the College’s duty to promote a safe environment for all community members and to protect college property. In an effort to achieve this, an electronic video surveillance system may be used at the college. The manner in which it is used should be as least intrusive as possible but still have the ability to gather useful information about the activities that occur on the college campus and grounds. This policy does not apply to legitimate uses of video cameras for college promotion, instruction or research purposes.

The purpose of the use of video surveillance is to:

  1. Promote a safe college environment by deterring acts of harassment or violence.
  2. Deter vandalism or theft of college property and to aid in the identification of individuals who commit such acts.
  3. Assist law enforcement officials in the investigation of any crime that may have been committed on college property.


Video Surveillance and Recording Procedure


This procedure establishes guidelines and responsibilities for the electronic surveillance system at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.


Camera Location, Operation, and Control

This procedure establishes guidelines and responsibilities for the electronic surveillance system at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College.

  1. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College buildings and grounds may be equipped with video monitoring devices
  2. Video cameras may be placed in areas where surveillance has been deemed necessary as a result of threats to personal safety, prior property damages, or security incidents.
  3. Cameras placed outside shall be positioned where it is necessary to protect external assets or to provide for the personal safety of individuals on college grounds or premises.
  4. Cameras shall not be used to monitor private or semi-private rooms such as restrooms and offices.
  5. The Chief Information Officer shall manage, control, and audit the use and security of monitoring cameras, monitors, computers used to store images, computer discs, and all other video records.
  6. Only individuals authorized by the College President shall have access to video monitors, or be permitted to operate the controls.
  7. Video surveillance cameras shall not have audio recording capabilities; or any such audio capabilities will not be enabled if they are available.
  8. Cameras may be placed in locations, on a temporary basis, for investigative purposes. The College President will authorize these placements. (This would be in situations of theft investigation.)



  1. Signs shall be posted to notify individuals that surveillance cameras are in operation. Any questions relating to surveillance may be directed to the college President or designee.


Use of Video Recordings

  1. Video recordings of students, staff, or others may be reviewed or audited for the purpose of determining adherence to official Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College policies, Student Code of Conduct, and/or Minnesota State Board policies.
  2. The college may use video surveillance to detect or deter criminal offenses that occur in view of the camera.
  3. Video recordings may be released to third parties in conformance with the requirements of a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency.
  4. The college or its administrators may use video surveillance and the resulting recordings for inquiries and proceedings related to law enforcement, deterrence, and student discipline.
  5. The college shall not use video monitoring for other purposes unless expressly authorized by the College President (or designee) or by another Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College policy or Minnesota State Board Policy.


Protection of Information and Disclosure/Security and Retention of Recordings

  1. Videos are initially recorded on a computer hard disk. Information on the hard disk is retained until such time that the hard disk becomes full and then the oldest video segments are overwritten by the newest segments.
  2. No attempt shall be made to alter any part of a video recording.
  3. Video recordings that may be relevant to the investigation of an incident will be transferred from the computer hard disk onto removable media such as a CD or DVD, flash drive, or cloud storage.
  4. All saved video records not in use should be securely stored in a locked receptacle.
  5. All video records that have been saved pending the final outcome of an incident investigation shall be numbered, dated, and retained in a location to be determined by the College President.
  6. The College President (or designee) must authorize access to all video records.
  7. A log shall be maintained by the College’s Chief Information Officer of all instances of access to, or use of recorded materials. The log shall include:
    1. The video number and date of recording,
    2. The name of the individual or agency that was given access to the recording,
    3. The date that access was given,
    4. The reason that access was given, and
    5. The date that access was given,
    6. The date when access is no longer available to the individual or agency.
  8. Information contained within the video access log shall be considered public information, unless prohibited by law or judicial order.
  9. Video records that contain personal information used to make a decision directly affecting an individual must be retained for a minimum of one year and may be retained by the college indefinitely as part of a permanent archive.
  10. Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will provide reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the electronic surveillance network; however, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College cannot guarantee that access to the network through illegal methods is impossible.


Disposal or Destruction of Recordings

  1. Copies of surveillance recordings need not be kept by the college if there have been no identified incidents within view of the surveillance cameras. In these cases, there will be no permanent record of the recordings.
  2. All saved recordings shall be disposed of in a secure manner unless they are archived as part of a permanent record as stated above. Removable media shall be shredded, degaussed, or otherwise made permanently unreadable as described in Minnesota State Board Policy 5.23


Video Monitors and Viewing

  1. Video monitoring for security purposes will be conducted in a professional, confidential, ethical, and legal manner.
  2. Only the College President or individuals authorized by the President and members of law enforcement agencies shall have access to video monitors while they are in operation.
  3. Video monitors should be in controlled access areas wherever possible.
  4. Video records should be viewed on a need to know basis only, in such a manner as to avoid public viewing.
  5. All authorized individuals who have access to camera controls (such as pan, tilt, and zoom) will not monitor individuals based on characteristics of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, public assistance status, age, or inclusion in any group or class protected by state or federal law. Camera control operator will monitor activity based on suspicious behavior, not individual characteristics.

Updated July 2019


It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.

My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.