In support of Minnesota State Policy 4.4 

Part 1. Cancellation of Classes due to Weather or other Short-Term Emergencies.  

The authority to cancel classes due to weather conditions or other short-term emergencies resides with the college president or the president’s designee. Policy 1A.10 Emergency Management is applicable for long term closures. Cancellation of classes does not excuse any employee from work. Employees of Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College may take personal leave, vacation leave or use earned compensatory time when classes are canceled and they choose to be absent from work. Faculty members may make appropriate curricular adjustments as approved by administration (e.g. scheduling make up classes or meetings), or make duty adjustments as approved by management (e.g. office hours or other compensatory activities). 

Part 2. Campus Closing due to Weather or other Short-Term Emergency.  

The president or designee may close the Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College campus due to weather or other short-term emergency of six calendar days or less in accordance with this policy. Policy 1A.10 Long Term Emergency Management is applicable for long-term closures. The closure of state agencies by the Commissioner of Minnesota Management and Budget does not apply to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institutions. The Governor of Minnesota has emergency powers to issue an executive order to change the work schedule of executive branch employees in cases of natural disaster or other emergencies [M.S. Section 12.21]. This does apply to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities employees. 

Subpart A. Weather emergencies.  

The following procedure will be used to determine whether weather conditions constitute a threat to the health and safety of college employees and notification process to employees and students: 

  1. Assessment of weather and travel conditions (temperature, wind, precipitation, condition of roads) shall be made in consultation with at least one of the following authorities: 
    • Minnesota State Patrol 
    • Minnesota Department of Transportation district offices 
    • National Weather Service 
    • Local television and radio news channels 
    • Nearby colleges 
  2. The president or designee(s) shall identify and inform essential personnel who may be required to report to work during times the college is closed or there is a delayed opening due to emergency procedures and must develop procedures for notification of such personnel at these times. To protect life and property during campus closings due to weather conditions, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s Physical Plant Director is considered a “weather essential” employee who will not be excused from work duty during campus closings. At times, additional maintenance staff are needed for more support. 
  3. Notifications to students and employees of cancellation/closure will be made in person on campus and via electronic means (see below). Announcements of cancellations or closings will also be sent to the following broadcast media outlets:  
    • Radio stations: KDAL/610 AM, WKLK/1230 AM; KDAL/95.7FM, WKLK-WMOZ/96.5 F, KBJR 102.5 FM, KTCO 98.9 FM, WEBC; B105, KOOL 101.7, MIX 108  
    • Television channels: KDLH-TV/CBS-3, Northern News Now/NBC-6, WDIO-TV/ABC-10 & 13 and Fox News/21  
    • Newspapers: Duluth News Tribune (  
    • Campus Social Media platforms  
    • Blackboard Emergency Alert System 
    • DL2 Brightspace announcement  
  4. The decision to close campus will be made by 5:40 a.m., when possible.  
  5. The decision to cancel evening classes and events will be made by 3:00 p.m., when possible.  
  6. When the campus is open, students and employees are encouraged to use their own judgment when weather conditions are severe.  

Subpart B. Filing.  

A copy of the written procedures shall be filed with the Chancellor. 

Subpart C. Other emergencies.  

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College’s Emergency Response Team shall maintain: 

  • Emergency operations plans and continuity of operations plans (other than those which are due to weather conditions) that specify processes and procedure when closure would be an appropriate action, and 
  • A list of essential employees that would not be excused from work duty during campus closings due to identified emergency conditions. 

Subpart D. Effect of closure. 

When a campus closing is declared, Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College employees may be excused from work with pay if alternative working arrangements are not practical as determined by the president or designee. Employees who are authorized and scheduled to telework or have the means and are approved to work from home or an alternative site, will continue to work if the short-term emergency does not prevent them from safely performing work at their home or alternative site. 

An employee’s absence with pay for an individual emergency situation must not exceed the equivalent of two workdays unless the chancellor authorizes a longer period. A campus closure applies to all employees without regard to labor contract. Weather or other emergency essential employees who are not excused from work will be paid at their regular rate of pay. 

Subpart E. Timeframe.  

The declaration of a campus closure shall, whenever possible, clearly identify the timeframe when employees are excused from work. 

Subpart F. Notice to chancellor.  

Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College will notify the chancellor or designee after the decision is made to close a campus due to weather or other emergency conditions. This notice will be used by the system office to respond to inquiries regarding campus closures. 

Minnesota Statute 12.21


I chose FDLTCC because of its size and the curriculum. When I first came here in 2019, I was just looking for what I needed to volunteer, perhaps in a crisis shelter. I met with Don Jarvinen, and the rest is history.

My favorite thing about FDLTCC is the people. I’ve met fantastic students, faculty and staff who go above and beyond what I expected.

It is awesome here at the FDLTCC Education Program because it is like a family here, if you need help or are struggling with anything, you have quite a few people who will help you out.