- Course outlines are available for courses offered at FDLTCC.
- Course outlines are an excellent tool for use during academic course selection and transfer planning to another postsecondary institution.
- For more information about a specific course, contact an instructor within the department, or the Vice President of Academic Affairs at the college..
Accounting (ACCT)
ACCT 2001 Financial Accounting I
ACCT 2002 Financial Accounting II
ACCT 2005 Managerial Accounting
American Indian Studies (AMIN)
AMIN 1001 Introduction to Gidizhitwaawinaanin (our cultural standards)
AMIN 1030 Wigwametry
AMIN 1050 Anishinaabeg of Lake Superior
AMIN 1061 Ojibwe Seasonal Activities
AMIN 2001 Federal Laws and the American Indian
AMIN/ART 1075 Introduction to Jewelry
AMIN/ART 2035 Regalia-Traditional Dress and Arts of Ojibwe Culture
AMIN/EDU 1020 Foundations of Anishinaabe and American Educational Systems
AMIN/EDU 2300 Culturally Responsive Education
AMIN/EDU 2301 Culturally Responsive Leadership
AMIN/PE 1052 American Indian Hand Games
AMIN/SOC 2030 Contemporary Indian Concerns
Anishinaabe Language (ANSH)
ANSH 1001 Introduction to Anishinaabe Language
ANSH 1002 Anishinaabe Language II
ANSH 1090 Language Immersion
ANSH 2001 Anishinaabe Language III
ANSH 2002 Anishinaabe Language IV
ANSH 2010 Anishinaabe Language for the Classroom
ANSH 2050 Language Practicum
ANSH 2060 Storytelling and Conversation
ANSH 2090 Ojibwe Immersion Academy
Anthropology (ANTH)
ANTH 1001 Introduction to American Indian Studies
ANTH 1005 Cultural Diversity
Art (ART)
ART 1001 Introduction to Art
ART 1005 Art Appreciation
ART 1010 Drawing
ART 1015 Drawing II
ART 1020 Design
ART 1030 Painting
ART 1035 Painting II
ART 1040 Watercolor Painting
ART 1080 Art History I
ART 1081 Art History II
ART 1082 Survey of North American Indian Art
ART 1090 Photography I
ART 1091 Photography II
ART 1095 Digital Photography
ART 1101 Ojibwe Floral Beadwork I
ART 1102 Ojibwe Floral Beadwork II
ART 2001 Digital Photography II
ART 2010 Sculpture
ART 2015 Sculpture II
ART 2020 Ceramics
ART 2025 Ceramics II
ART 2030 Portfolio Development
ART 2101 Ojibwe Floral Beadwork III
ART/AMIN 1075 Introduction to Jewelry
ART/AMIN 2035 Regalia-Tradition Dress and the Arts of Ojibwe Culture
ART/CSCI 1097 Introduction to Digital Graphics
ART/CSCI 2097 Digital Graphics II
ART/MUSC 1250 Foundations of Anishinaabe and American Arts
Biology (BIOL)
BIOL 1005 Medical Terminology
BIOL 1010 Aspects of Biology
BIOL 1011 Introduction to Forensic Biology
BIOL 1060 Environmental Science
BIOL 1061 Careers in Environmental Science
BIOL 1065 Ecology of Minnesota
BIOL 1101 General Biology I
BIOL 1102 General Biology II
BIOL 2005 Fundamentals of Nutrition
BIOL 2010 Microbiology
BIOL 2015 Pathophysiology
BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2021 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2050 Principles of Ecology
BIOL 2090 Undergraduate Research
BIOL 2101 Genetics
Business and Office Technology (BUS)
BUS 1001 Introduction to Business
BUS 1003 Opportunity Analysis
BUS 1035 Database and Data Spreadsheets
BUS 1055 Business Communication
BUS 1080 Personal Finance
BUS 2001 Business Computers
BUS 2020 Principles of Management
BUS 2035 Principles of Financial Management
BUS 2040 The Legal Environment of Business
BUS 2060 Introduction to Business Plan Development
Career Planning (CAOR)
CAOR 1005 Career Exploration
CAOR 1010 Job Search Skills
Chemical Dependency (CDEP)
CDEP 1001 Peer Recovery Specialist
CDEP 2001 Chemical Dependency Theories
CDEP 2010 Adolescent Chemical Dependency Assessment and Treatment
CDEP 2020 Chemical Dependency Assessment & Procedures
CDEP 2030 Co-Occurring Disorders
CDEP 2050 Chemical Dependency Practicum I
CDEP 2051 Chemical Dependency Practicum II
CDEP/PSYC 2040 Life Management-Second Stage Recovery
Chemistry (CHEM)
CHEM 1001 Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 1010 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1011 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1020 Environmental Chemistry
Computer Science (CSCI)
CSCI 1010 Write Your Own Mobile Web Apps
CSCI 1020 Introduction to Programming
CSCI 1025 Introduction to Engineering: Aerial Platforms
CSCI/ART 1097 Introduction to Digital Graphics
CSCI/ART 2097 Digital Graphics II
CSCI/GEOG 2051 Web Mapping
Criminal Justice/Peace Officer (CJPO)
CJPO 1001 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJPO 1005 Seeking Careers in Criminal Justice
CJPO 1010 Juvenile Justice
CJPO 1020 Criminal Investigation
CJPO 2010 Criminal Procedures
CJPO 2020 Minnesota Statutes
CJPO 2030 Peace Officer and Community
CJPO 2040 Skills I
CJPO 2050 Use of Force I: Basic Defensive Tactics
CJPO 2051 Use of Force II: Firearms
CJPO 2053 Skills II
CJPO 2054 Skills III
CJPO 2060 Peace Officer Capstone
CJPO 2095 Internship
Early Childhood Development (CDEV)
CDEV 1230 Positive Child Guidance
CDEV 1240 Working with Diverse Families and Children
CDEV 1252 Observation and Assessment
CDEV 1340 Learning Environments and Curriculum
CDEV 1350 Literature and Language Experiences
CDEV 2510 Practicum I
CDEV 2530 Children with Challenging Behaviors
CDEV 2610 Organizational Leadership and Management
CDEV 2620 Children with Differing Abilities
CDEV 2810 Practicum II
CDEV/EDU 1210 Child Growth and Development
CDEV/EDU 2640 Curriculum Development
Economics (ECON)
ECON 1040 American Economy
ECON 2010 Principles of Economics-Microeconomics
ECON 2020 Principles of Economics-Macroeconomics
Education (EDU)
EDU 1300 Special Education Foundations
EDU 3100 Language Arts Methods I
EDU 3101 Language Arts Methods II
EDU 3102 Literacy Strategies for K-6 Teachers
EDU 3105 Performance Assessment for Teacher Candidates
EDU 3120 Social Studies Methods
EDU 3121 Science Methods
EDU 3122 Math Methods for Elementary Education
EDU 3123 Music Methods for Elementary Teachers
EDU 3124 Arts Methods
EDU 3125 Physical Education Methods
EDU 3200 Children with Exceptionalities
EDU 3205 Health and Wellness for K-6 Educators
EDU 3210 Educational Psychology
EDU 3215 Educational Technology
EDU 4100 Classroom Management
EDU 4101 Curriculum and Instruction
EDU 4102 Differential Instruction and Assessment
EDU 4120 The Professional Educator
EDU 4500 Student Teaching for Elementary Education
EDU/AMIN 1020 Foundations of Anishinaabe and American Educational Systems
EDU/AMIN 2300 Culturally Responsive Education
EDU/AMIN 2301 Culturally Responsive Leadership
EDU/CDEV 1210 Child Growth and Development
EDU/CDEV 2640 Curriculum Development
Electric Utility Technology (EUT)
English (ENGL)
ENGL 0094 Composition Preparation
ENGL 1101 College Composition
ENGL 1102 Advanced College Composition
ENGL 1110 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 1120 Writing for Professionals
ENGL 1130 Creating Writing
ENGL 2005 American Indian Literature
ENGL 2010 Writing the Short Story
ENGL 2015 The Novel
ENGL 2016 Comics and Graphic Novels
ENGL 2021 Writing Poetry
ENGL 2030 Film as Art
ENGL 2035 The Literature of Science Fiction
ENGL 2045 Literature by Women
ENGL 2055 African American Literature
ENGL 2060 Small, but Mighty: Exploring "Micro" Writing Forms
ENGL 2070 Songwriting or How to Wordify the Musics
ENGL 2105 Writing Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 2200 American Indian Children's Literature
ENGL 2205 Indigenous YA Literature
Geography (GEOG)
GEOG 1002 Introduction to Maps
GEOG 1010 Physical Geography
GEOG 1020 Cultural Geography
GEOG 1040 World Regional Geography
GEOG 1060 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems
GEOG 2001 Introduction to GIS
GEOG 2005 Cartography and Visualization
GEOG 2030 Remote Sensing of the Environment
GEOG 2050 GIS Applications
GEOG 2096 GIS Internship
GEOG/CSCI 2051 Web Mapping
GEOG/PE 1054 Using GPS: Geocaching and Field Mapping
GEOG/PHIL 2095 Internship
Geology (GEOL)
GEOL 1001 Introductory Geology
Health (HLTH)
HLTH 1004 Introduction to Health Care Careers
HLTH 1005 Introduction to Nursing/Nursing Assistant
HLTH 1032 American Heart Association Health Care Professional Basic Life Support (BLS)
HLTH 1050 Emergency Response/First Responder
HLTH 2100 Community Health and Wellness for Educators
History (HIST)
HIST 1015 History of Western Civilization to 1500CE
HIST 1016 History of Western Civilization from 1500CE
HIST 1017 History of Global Civilization to 1500CE
HIST 1018 History of Global Civilization from 1500CE
HIST 1035 History of the United States to 1876
HIST 1036 History of the United States from 1876
HIST 1055 American Indian History to 1840
HIST 1056 American Indian History from 1840
HIST 2010 Apocalypse & Hope: An Environmental History
HIST 2020 Afro-Indigenous History of the United States
Human Services (HSER)
HSER 1001 Introduction to Human Services
HSER 1010 The Helping Process
HSER 2010 Counseling Skills
HSER 2020 Family Dynamics
HSER 2090 Practicum
HSER 2095 Practicum
Marketing (MKTG)
MKTG 1020 Small Business Management
MKTG 1030 Sales Management
MKTG 1035 Sales Promotion and Advertising
MKTG 2005 Principles of Marketing
Mathematics (MATH)
MATH 0025 Statistics Preparation
MATH 0026 Contemporary Math Preparation
MATH 1010 College Algebra
MATH 1015 Trigonometry
MATH 1020 Calculus: Short Course
MATH 1025 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 1030 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1050 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
MATH 2001 Calculus I
MATH 2002 Calculus II
Multimedia Production (MMP)
MMP 1001 Media & Society
MMP 1065 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
MMP 1070 Audio Production
MMP 1080 Video Production
MMP 2095 Internship
Music (MUSC)
MUSC 1010 Music Appreciation
MUSC 1020 American Popular Music
MUSC 1030 Music of the World’s Peoples
MUSC 1035 American Indian Music
MUSC 1040 Fundamentals of Music Theory
MUSC 1041 Music Theory II
MUSC 1070 Vocal Ensemble (Choir)
MUSC 1072 Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 1080-2187 Applied Music Lessons
MUSC 2200 Hand Drumming
MUSC/ART 1250 Foundations of Anishinaabe and American Arts
Nursing (NURS)
NURS 1002 Nursing Pharmacological Concepts and Medication Calculations I
NURS 1003 Pharmacological Application and Concepts I
NURS 1135 Holistic Nursing Care I
NURS 1136 Holistic Nursing Care I Clinical
NURS 1137 Holistic Nursing Care I: Lecture
NURS 1138 Holistic Nursing Care I: Lab
NURS 1139 Holistic Nursing Care I: Practicum
NURS 1140 Holistic Nursing Care II
NURS 1141 Holistic Nursing Care II Clinical
NURS 1142 Holistic Nursing Care II: Lecture
NURS 1143 Holistic Nursing Care II: Lab
NURS 1144 Holistic Nursing Care II: Practicum
NURS 2002 Nursing Pharmacological Concepts and Medication Calculations II
NURS 2003 Pharmacological Application and Concepts II
NURS 2015 Transition to Professional Nursing
NURS 2016 Transition to Professional Nursing
NURS 2129 Community Practicum
NURS 2130 Community Clinical
NURS 2131 Holistic Nursing Care III: Mental Health
NURS 2132 Holistic Nursing Care III: Mental Health Clinical
NURS 2133 Holistic Nursing Care III: Maternal Child
NURS 2134 Holistic Nursing Care III: Maternal Child Clinical
NURS 2137 Holistic Nursing Care III: Lecture
NURS 2138 Holistic Nursing Care III: Lab
NURS 2139 Holistic Nursing Care III: Practicum
NURS 2140 Holistic Nursing Care IV
NURS 2142 Holistic Nursing Care IV Clinical
NURS 2145 Nursing Leadership
NURS 2146 Population Health
NURS 2147 Holistic Nursing Care IV: Lecture
NURS 2148 Holistic Nursing Care IV: Practicum
NURS 2150 Nursing Leadership
NURS 2190 Preparation for Licensure
Philosophy (PHIL)
PHIL 2001 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2010 Ethics
PHIL 2030 American Indian Philosophy
PHIL 2040 World Religions
PHIL/GEOG 2095 Internship
PHIL/SUST 1030 Introduction to Sustainability
PHIL/SUST 2070 Environmental Ethics
Physical Education (PE)
PE 1042 Fitness Through Walking
PE 1043 Weight Training
PE 1046 Fitness Yoga
PE 1051 American Indian Traditional Dance
PE 1053 Lifelong Fitness
PE/AMIN 1052 American Indian Hand Games
PE/GEOG 1054 Using GPS: Geocaching and Field Mapping
Physics (PHYS)
PHYS 1001-1002 Introduction to Physics I & II
Political Science (POLS)
POLS 1011 American Government & Politics
POLS 1020 State & Local Government
POLS 1030 International Relations
Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 1020 Death, Dying, and Bereavement
PSYC 1030 Drug Use and Abuse
PSYC 2001 General Psychology
PSYC 2002 Indigenous Psychology
PSYC 2010 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2020 Group Dynamics
PSYC 2030 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 2050 Mental Health Crisis Management
PSYC/CDEP 2040 Life Management-Second Stage Recovery
Science (SCI)
SCI 1280 Investigative Science I
SCI 1285 Investigative Science II
Sociology (SOC)
SOC 1001 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 1020 Human Relations
SOC 1050 The Family
SOC 1060 Human Sexuality
SOC 2001 Human Diversity
SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 2050 Diversity and Intercultural Leadership
SOC/AMIN 2030 Contemporary Indian Concerns
Speech Communication (SPCH)
SPCH 1010 Public Speaking
SPCH 1020 Interpersonal Communications
SPCH 1030 Intercultural Communications
SPCH 2010 Family Communications
Sustainability (SUST)
SUST 1035 Environmental Conservation
SUST 1040 Environmental Policy and Conservation
SUST 2090 Field Experience: Summer
SUST 2091 Field Experience: Fall
SUST 2095 Capstone in Sustainable Food Systems
SUST/PHIL 1030 Introduction to Sustainability
SUST/PHIL 2070 Environmental Ethics
Theater (THTR)
THTR 1001 Introduction to Theatre
THTR 1010 Beginning Acting
Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS)
WGS 1001 Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies
Accounting (ACCT)
ACCT 2090 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
American Indian Studies (AMIN)
AMIN 1035 Anishinaabe Seasonal Science
AMIN 1060 Traditional Subsistence Patterns of the Anishinaabe
AMIN 1062 Manoominike-Giizis, Moon of the Wild Rice Harvest
AMIN 2010 Survey of Bilingual American Indian Education
AMIN 2040 Museum Practices
AMIN/ART 1045 American Indian Art
AMIN/ENGL 2200 American Indian Children’s Literature
AMIN/MMP 1065 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
Anishinaabe Language (ANSH)
ANSH 1010 Examination of Anishinaabe Language
Anthropology (ANTH)
Art (ART)
ART 1050 Ojibwe Traditional Design
ART 1055 Fashion, Fabric Design and Construction I
ART/AMIN 1045 American Indian Art
ART/MMP 1095 Digital Photography
Biology (BIOL)
BIOL 1001 Concepts in Cell Biology
BIOL 2025 Cellular Biology
BIOL 2030 Botany
BIOL 2031 Zoology
BIOL 2040 Native Plant Identification
BIOL 2060 Aquatic Biology
Business and Office Technology (BUS)
BUS 1002 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
BUS 1020 General Office Procedures
BUS 1050 Business Mathematics
BUS 1058 Tribal Management
BUS 1064 Customer Service
BUS 2030 Personnel Administration and Supervision
BUS 2036 Money and Banking
BUS 2037 Topics in Tribal Finance
BUS 2038 Financial Statement Analysis
BUS 2048 Property and Liability Insurance
BUS 2056 Real Estate Finance and Investment
Career Planning (CAOR)
Chemical Dependency (CDEP)
CDEP 2045 Clinical Supervision
Chemistry (CHEM)
CHEM 1002 Aspects of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2011 Organic Chemistry II
Computer Science (CSCI)
CSCI 1002 Computing Essentials
CSCI 1021 Introduction to Engineering Robotics
CSCI/LAWE 1072 Introduction to Cyber Crime
Early Childhood Development (CDEV)
CDEV 1200 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
CDEV 1201 OWL-Opening the World of Learning
CDEV 1202 Curriculum and Assessment
CDEV 1203 Work Sampling
CDEV 1205 Not By Chance
CDEV 1206 SEEDS of Emergent Literacy
CDEV 1212 Minnesota Child Care Credential I
CDEV 1213 Minnesota Child Care Credential II
CDEV 1222 Health, Safety and Nutrition
CDEV 1270 Infant Toddler Development and Learning
Electric Utility Technology (EUT)
EUT 1001 Introduction to Electric Utilities
EUT 1020 Basic Electricity
EUT 1021 AC Electricity for Electric Utility Technicians
EUT 1030 Transmission, Distribution & Metering of Power
EUT 1035 Photovoltaic Energy Systems
EUT 1040 Power Electronic & Communications Equipment
EUT 1045 Wind Energy Systems
EUT 1050 Protective Relaying
EUT 1055 Home Energy Systems & Auditing
EUT 1056 Residential Building Construction Techniques
EUT 1100 Programmable Logic Controllers
EUT 1110 Fluid Power Systems
EUT 2010 Advanced Home Energy Auditing
EUT 2095 Electrical Utility Technology Internship
EUT 2110 Sensors and Controls
EUT/GEOG 1025 Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems
English (ENGL)
ENGL 2020 Poetry
ENGL 2025 Modern Drama
ENGL 2031 The Holocaust in Literature and Film
ENGL 2040 Mythology
ENGL 2050 Introduction to Language
ENGL/AMIN 2200 American Indian Children’s Literature
Geography (GEOG)
GEOG 1001 The Digital World
GEOG 2010 Disasters
GEOG 2054 Programming in GIS
GEOG 2090 Undergraduate Research
GEOG/EUT 1025 Alternative & Renewable Energy Systems
GEOG/PE 1055 Orienteering
GEOG/SUST 1015 Geography of Food
Geology (GEOL)
Health (HLTH)
HLTH 1010 Personal Tribal and Community Health
HLTH 1015 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
HLTH 2015 Food: Safety Risk and Technology
HLTH 2025 Emergency Medical Technician
Marketing (MKTG)
MKTG 2015 Visual Merchandising
Mathematics (MATH)
MATH 0010 Mathematics Concepts
MATH 0020 Beginning Algebra
MATH 0030 Higher Algebra
Multimedia Production (MMP)
MMP 1060 Media Photography
MMP 1090 Computer Animation
MMP/AMIN 1065 Introduction to Digital Storytelling
MMP/ART 1095 Digital Photography
Nursing (NURS)
NURS 1001 Foundation of Nursing
NURS 1005 Clinical Foundations
NURS 1010 Application of Nursing
NURS 1015 Maternal/Child Nursing
NURS 1016 Family Nursing Clinical
NURS 1019 Transitions to Nursing Practice
NURS 1020 Ethics in Nursing
NURS 1025 Mathematics for Medication
NURS 1030 Psychosocial Nursing
NURS 1045 Nursing Interventions
NURS 1050 Clinical Application
NURS 1070 Nursing Role Transition
NURS 1075 Nursing Role Transition Clinical
NURS 2010 Bridge to Professional Nursing
NURS 2090 Cultural Bridges of Care
NURS 2100 Health Assessment
NURS 2110 Integration of Nursing
NURS 2115 Clinical Integration
NURS 2120 Synthesis of Nursing
NURS 2125 Clinical Synthesis
NURS 2200 Student Nurse Internship
Philosophy (PHIL)
PHIL 1010 Understanding the Bible as Literature, History, and Philosophy
PHIL 1020 Critical Thinking
PHIL 2020 Logic
PHIL 2060 Ethics of Sustainability
Physical Education (PE)
PE 1004 Beginning Golf
PE 1006 Beginning Bowling
PE 1009 Beginning Tennis
PE 1012 Basketball
PE 1013 Volleyball
PE 1015 Soccer
PE 1018 Softball
PE 1019 Beginning Cross-Country Skiing
PE 1040 Introduction to Conditioning
PE 1041 Fitness for Endurance
PE 1047 Aerobics
PE 1048 Winter Outdoor Activities
PE 1049 Summer Outdoor Activities
PE 1060 Jujitsu
PE 1061 Varsity Athletics Volleyball
PE 1062 Varsity Athletics Football
PE 1063 Varsity Athletics Basketball-Men
PE 1064 Varsity Athletics Basketball-Women
PE 1065 Varsity Athletics Softball
PE 1066 Varsity Athletics Baseball-Men
PE 1075 Officiating Softball
PE 1076 Officiating Volleyball
PE 1077 Officiating Basketball
PE 1078 Officiating Hockey
PE 1083 Introduction to Physical Education
PE 1100 Coaching Methods
PE 2005 Advanced Golf
PE 2007 Advanced Bowling
PE 2010 Intermediate Tennis
PE 2046 Fitness Yoga II
PE 2095 Coaching Practicum
PE/GEOG 1055 Orienteering
Physics (PHYS)
PHYS 1010-1011 General Physics I & II
PHYS 1020 Introductory Astronomy
PHYS 1030 Meteorology
Political Science (POLS)
Psychology (PSYC)
Sustainability (SUST)
SUST/GEOG 1015 Geography of Food